
When the night departs and the day breaks with its light

إذا ما جلا الليل النهار بنوره

1. When the night departs and the day breaks with its light
It is followed by a night darker and more still

١. إذا ما جَلاَ اللّيلَ النهارُ بنُورِهِ
تعقَّبَهُ ليلٌ أَحمُّ ركُودُ

2. Why then do I see the night of youth when it passes
The day of old age comes and does not return

٢. فما لي أرى لَيلَ الشبابِ إذا جَلا
وجاء نهارُ المشيبِ لَيس يَعودُ

3. She looked upon the whiteness of my temples and took back
Sorrowfully, "Where is that blackness?"

٣. نَظَرتْ بياضَ مفارقي فاسترجَعتْ
أسفاً وقالت أين ذَاك الأَسْوَدُ

4. I said, "It faded," and she bowed her head and sighed
A sigh that stirred up burning embers

٤. قلتُ اضمحلَّ فأطرقَتْ وتنفَّستْ
نفساً تُصعِّدهُ حشاً تَتَوقَّدُ

5. She said, "Is there any chance of us meeting again
That I may see the harbinger of separation?" I said, "The appointed time."

٥. قالت فَهَلْ من مَوْعِدٍ للقائِنا
فأرى نذيرَ البَينِ قُلتُ الموعدُ