
The abodes of love, your landmarks are alive

ديار الهوى حيا معالمك

1. The abodes of love, your landmarks are alive
And your generosity brightens you, oh splendid Egypt

١. ديار الهوى حيا معالمك
وجادك النور الناصر الغدق الهمر

2. With it you returned in your youthful prime
And it revived you after Egypt grew old

٢. به رجعت في عنفوان شبابها
ونضرتها من بعد ما هرمت مصر

3. And how many suitors you rejected for not matching you
Until the suitor with the sharp sword came to you

٣. وكم خاطب ردته لم يك كفأها
إلى أن أتاها خاطب سيفه المهر

4. He protected it like a lion protects its den and guarded it
As an eyelid guards the eye from specks of dust

٤. حماها حمى الليث العرين وصانها
كما صان عينا من ملم القذى شفر

5. It was a turbulent sea, but it became
From his sweet generosity, a placid sea

٥. وكان بها بحر أجاج فأصبحت
ومن جوده العذب النمير بها بحر