
O absent ones, though you still dwell in my heart

يا غائبين وفي قلبي محلهم

1. O absent ones, though you still dwell in my heart
It's not you who have left - the tears simply poured

١. يا غائبينَ وفي قلبي محلُّهُم
لم تنزحوا لكِن الدَّمعُ الّذي نَزَحا

2. Whether near or far, my love for you remains
Just as you've always been - yearning stays the same

٢. هواكُم إن دَنَت دارٌ وإن بَعُدَت
كما عهدتُم وبُرحُ الوجدِ ما بَرحا