1. Greet its dwellings, both settled and nomadic
Covered with clouds, burdened and portentous
١. حيّا رُبوعَكِ من رُبىً ومنازِلِ
ساري الغَمامِ بكلِّ هامٍ هامِلِ
2. It has quenched you, O abode of love, after hope
And downpour pours, streaming heavily
٢. وسَقَتْكِ يا دارَ الهَوى بعد النَّوى
وطَفاءُ تَسفَحُ بالهَتونِ الهاطلِ
3. Until it tames every unruly wanderer
Quenching all the thirsty and nourishing the feeble
٣. حتّى تُروِّضَ كلَّ ماحٍ ماحِلٍ
عافٍ وتُرويَ كلَّ ذاوٍ ذابِلِ
4. Shall I weep for you, or weep for my days in you, or
My family, or the fading of blithe youth?
٤. أبكيكَ أم أبْكي زماني فيكَ أمْ
أهليكَ أم شَرخَ الشبابِ الرّاحِلِ
5. My tears cannot be apportioned by sorrow
Between loved ones and dwellings
٥. ما قدرُ دَمعيَ أن يقسِّمَه الأسى
والوجدُ بين أحبّةٍ ومنازِلِ
6. I spent them wastefully, and here I am, present
Weeping with a weeping eye in a shelter
٦. أنفقتُهُ سَرَفاً وها أنا ماثِلٌ
في ماحلٍ أبكي بِجَفنٍ ماحِلِ
7. And if I cry out for solace, I call on one
Who does not respond, and I seek the aid of one who disappoints
٧. وإذا فَزعتُ إلى العَزاءِ دعوتُ مَن
لا يَستجيبُ ورُمتُ نُصرةَ خاذِلِ
8. Where are the gazelles I counted as companions
In your shade, withered and wasted?
٨. أين الظِّباءُ عهدتُهُنَّ كوانِساً
بِك في ظلالِ السَّمهرِيِّ الذَّابِلِ
9. Those who fled from a loved one out of dignity
And those made intimate with every valiant lion
٩. النّافراتُ من الأنيسِ تكرُّماً
والآنساتُ بكلِّ ليثٍ باسِلِ
10. Of every hated encounter, of dwellings
With courtyards wide for guest or settler
١٠. من كلِّ مكروهِ اللّقاءِ مُنازِلٍ
رحبِ الفِناءِ لطارقٍ أو نازلِ
11. Difficult to access, hard on his enemies
Easy to approach for a loyal friend
١١. متمنِّعٍ صعبٍ على أعدائه
سهلِ المَقادَة للخليلِ الواصِلِ
12. They condoled the world, and their actions
Opposed its deeds, so it beset them with calamities
١٢. عزّوا على الدّنيا وخالفَ فِعلُهُم
أفعالَها فبغَتْهُمُ بغَوائِلِ
13. Until, when it assailed them with its afflictions
And cast them amidst tumult and tremors
١٣. حتّى إذا اغتالَتْهُمُ بخطوبِها
ورمتهُمُ بحوادثٍ وزَلازِلِ
14. It demolished their dwellings, and more cheerless than them
Were familiar gatherings and pride of assemblies
١٤. دَرَسَتْ منازِلُهم وأوْحَشُ مِنهُمُ
مأنوسُ أنديةٍ وعزُّ مَحافِلِ
15. Woe to them, from a learned man and learning
And guarded tribes and impregnable forts
١٥. واهاً لهم من عالِمٍ ومَعالِمٍ
ومُمَنَّعاتِ عَقائلٍ ومَعاقِلِ
16. They were a burning in the breast of every opponent
And a speck roving in the eye of every aspirant
١٦. كانوا شَجىً في صدرِ كل مُعانِدٍ
وقذىً يجول بعينِ كلِّ مُحاوِلِ
17. A haven for the anguished, and refuge for the fugitive
And neighbor of bold raids and hardships
١٧. غَوثاً لملهوفٍ وملجأَ لاجِئٍ
وجوارَ رَبّ جَرائرٍ وطَوائِلِ
18. They went the way of yesterday, none remains to inform
About them, and they vanished like fading shadows
١٨. ذهبوا ذهابَ الأمسِ ما من مُخبرٍ
عَنهُم وزالوا كالظِّلالِ الزّائِلِ
19. And I remained after them, ally of sorrow
Cloaked in composure and resilience
١٩. وبقيتُ بعدهُمُ حليفَ كآبةٍ
مستورَةٍ بتجمُّلٍ وتَحامُلِ
20. They were happy with their rest, while here am I, after them
In misery that exasperates me and inner disquiet
٢٠. سعدُوا براحَتِهم وها أنا بعدَهُم
في شَقوةٍ تُضني وهمٍّ داخِلِ
21. So stranger is the misery of one wearied, in his place
After his family's rest and that of one departed
٢١. فاعجب لشَقوةِ مُتعَبٍ بمُقامِهِ
من بعد أسرتِه وراحةِ راحِلِ
22. Leave this be, for you are steadfast against events
Meeting calamities knowing, like the ignorant
٢٢. دَع ذا فأنتَ على الحوادِث مَروةٌ
تَلقى الرّزايا عالماً كالجاهلِ
23. And be patient - in what befell you is no stigma
All of existence is prey to the archer's arrow
٢٣. واصبِر فما فيما أصابَكَ وصمَةٌ
كلُّ الوَرى غرضٌ لسَهمِ النَّابِلِ