
Will the crack of youth and its prime return to me,

أيرجع لي شرخ الشباب وعصره

1. Will the crack of youth and its prime return to me,
And how can the night's coming back when its dawn has appeared?

١. أيرجعُ لي شرخُ الشبابِ وعصرُه
وكيفَ رجوعُ اللّيلِ قَد لاحَ فَجرُهُ

2. Grey hair has draped your condition with its color,
And the long flow of time has spread it out.

٢. رداءٌ قشيبٌ حالَ حالِكُ لونِهِ
وأنْهَجَهُ طيُّ الزّمان ونَشْرُهُ

3. With it I used to be the most happy, but grey hair made it sad.
Alas to white hair! No rolling back its deterioration.

٣. وكنتُ به كلَّ الضّنِينِ فبزَّهُ ال
مشيبُ فَويحَ الشّيبِ لاَ دَرّ دَرُّهُ

4. O my good fortune, how good you were to me before this!
Thanks purely to you for your goodness to me.

٤. فيا سعدُ كَم أحسنتَ بي قبلَ هذه
فدونَك بِرّا خالِصاً لكَ شُكرُه

5. It saw a house with me in the thickets of love,
But now its veil from my tears is upon my eye.

٥. تَراءَ معي داراً بأكثِبة الحِمَى
فقد رانَ من دمعي على العين سِتْرُهُ

6. If my ruins still stand, then stop a while beside them
That I may cool a heart whose embers have grown hot,

٦. فإن تَكُ أطلالِي فَقِف بي بِرَبْعها
لأُبرِدَ قلبا قد توهَّج جَمرُهُ

7. And pour into it a drop of tears to change it
When the rain has sent down its drops generously.

٧. وأُفرغَ فيها قَطرَ دَمعٍ يُغيرُه
إذا جَادَها من صيِّبِ الغِيثِ قَطرُهُ

8. I promised my heart that it would help me
When you betrayed me, and now its treachery is clear.

٨. وعاهدتُ قلبيَ أنّه لِيَ مُنجِدٌ
متى خُنْتُمُ والآنَ قَد بان غَدرُهُ

9. Love has shown from it a glowering betrayal,
So who can be excused after betraying me?

٩. وأبدى الهوى منهُ تَجَهّمَ خَاذِلٍ
فمَن خَانَني مِن بَعدِه قَام عُذْرُهُ

10. The drunkenness of love once seethed in its midst,
But I did not leave it there along with treachery and drunkenness.

١٠. وقد كان سُكرُ الحُبّ يهفو بلبِّه
وما خِلتُه يبقى مع الغَدرِ سُكْرُهُ

11. I did not follow up your slips with blame,
Prodding you, though my words can slit like a blade,

١١. ولم أَتَّبعْ ضَنّاً بكم سَقَطَاتِكُم
لأسبُرَكُم والكَلْمُ يُدميه سَبْرُهُ

12. But I showed them to you when you openly flaunted them -
Can the full moon conceal itself in a flimsy veil?

١٢. ولكن أرَانِيها اشتهارُكُمُ بها
وهل يَخْتفي في حِندس اللّيل بَدْرُهُ