1. My tears betrayed my secret
So why deny when they confess?
١. بَاحَتْ بسرِّكَ أدمعٌ تَكِفُ
فإِلاَمَ تُنكر وهْي تَعتَرفُ
2. Will denying help you
When my emaciation and frailty testify against you?
٢. هل يُغِنَينْ عنكَ الجحُودُ إذَا
شَهِدَ النحولُ عليكَ والكَلَفُ
3. I hid my passion though it was infamous
Obvious to all yet I concealed it
٣. أُخفي غَرامي وَهوَ مُشتَهِرٌ
بادٍ وأسترُهُ وينكشِفُ
4. I grieve for a life whose course
Was spent in loving you - if only regrets could restore it
٤. أسفي لِعُمْرٍ ضاعَ مُذهَبُهُ
في حبّكُم لو رَدّهُ الأسَفُ
5. And a passion I intended to guard
But the fickle one ruined it
٥. وهَوىً عُنِيتُ بِرعْيِ ذمَّتِهِ
فأضَاعَهُ المتلَوِّنُ الطَّرِفُ
6. I spent my youth seeking their love
So my successor was left destitute
٦. أنفقتُ في كَسبي مودَّتِهِم
شرخَ الشبابِ فأعوزَ الخلَفُ
7. And turned away from the words of slanderers
Which they said of me within earshot
٧. وصدفتُ عن قولِ الوُشاةِ وما
قالُوهُ فيَّ بِسَمعِهِم شَنَفُ
8. And they denied me until it was as if
They never recognized my love or acknowledged it
٨. وتنكَّرُوا حتَّى كأَنّهُمُ
ما أنكرُوا وُدّي ولا عَرَفُوا
9. Yet in their spite they still have
Affection nestled in my heart
٩. ولُهم لَديَّ علَى ملالِهِمُ
وُدٌّ بِخِلبِ القلبِ مُلْتَحِفُ
10. Between them and me, though they shunned me
My resolve was forever cast away
١٠. بَيني وبينهُم وإن قَرُبُوا
من هَجرِهمْ أبداً نَوىً قُذُفُ
11. O you who did me wrong when they are
Dearer to my heart than the eyes with which they looked
١١. يا جَائرِينَ وهُم أَعزُّ على
قَلبي من الطَّرفِ الذي طَرَفُوا
12. Did my estrangement make you think
That I was indifferent and nonchalant?
١٢. أَغْرَاكُم بالهجر عِلمُكُمُ
أنَّي بكمُ مُستَهتَرٌ كَلِفُ