1. I had a friend whose youth was fleeting, he cared not for my dignity or pride,
He thought his shadow would accompany me, forever by my side.
١. لِيَ مَولىً مُذهَبَ العُمْ
رِ فلم يَرْعَ حُرمتي وذِمَامِي
2. But we parted as if he were a phantom, and I had dreamed him in a hazy veil,
If a man's fate depended on his strength, I'd face the darkest lions in their trail.
٢. ظنّنِي ظِلَّهُ أُصاحِبُه الدَّهْ
رَ على غيرِ نائِلٍ واحْترَامِ
3. Yet it flows from prior decree, ordained for mankind it dictates their affair,
So it runs its course within them, doling out life with neither justice nor care.
٣. فافتَرقْنَا كأنّه كان طيفاً
وكأنّي رأيتهُ في المَنَامِ
٤. لو كانَ رزقُ الفتَى بقوَّتِهِ
نازلتُ ضَارِي الأسُودِ في الأجَمِ
٥. لكِنَّهُ عن مشيئَةٍ سَبقَتْ
في الخَلْقِ تجري فيهِمْ عَلى القِس