
People are like birds, and this world is their net,

الناس كالطير والدنيا شباكهم

1. People are like birds, and this world is their net,
Among them are those trained and those untamed.

١. النّاسُ كالطّيرِ والدّنيا شِباكُهُمُ
وهُمْ بها بَيْنَ ركَّاضٍ ومُخْتَبِطِ

2. And death is their hunter, coming unhurried,
To take them while distracted or unprepared.

٢. والموتُ قَنّاصُهُم يأتي على مَهَلٍ
لِهُلْكِهِم بَيْنَ مَذْبوحٍ ومُعْتَبِطِ

3. We have busied ourselves with this world and its vanities,
Among people are those who rejoice and those who grieve.

٣. وقد شُغِلْنا بدُنيانا وزُخْرِفها
فالخلقُ ما بين مَحزونٍ ومُغتبِطِ

4. One is overjoyed at a state that will not last,
While another cries over what he missed and neglected.

٤. هذا يُسرُّ بحالٍ لا تَدومُ وذا
يبكي على الفَوتِ من دنياهُ والفَرَطِ

5. What kings attain of this lowly life is not equal,
So leave off the rest, for they are foolish and confused.

٥. ولَيس يَسوى الذي نالَ الملوكُ من الدْ
دُنيا فدَعْ غيرَهُم كفّاً من العَبَطِ