
O my heart, be gentle with what strength remains in me

يا قلب رفقا بما أبقيت من جلدي

1. O my heart, be gentle with what strength remains in me
How great is this yearning for the one who was my home

١. يا قلبُ رفقاً بما أبْقَيتَ منْ جَلَدِي
كَم ذَا الحنينُ إلى مَن أنتَ مَثْواهُ

2. He who is gone from me, whom I no longer see
In all creation there is no substitute for him to console me

٢. ما غابَ عنّي فأنْسَاهُ ولستُ أرَى
في الخَلْقِ لي عِوَضاً عنهُ فأسلاَهُ

3. Once when he was near I tended and protected him
And now that he is far, God alone guards over him

٣. قد كنتُ في القُربِ أرعاهُ وأحفظُهُ
ومُذْ بَعُدتُ تَولّى حفظَهُ اللهُ