
Far from home is one whose absence grieves me,

بنفسي بعيد الدار بي من فراقه

1. Far from home is one whose absence grieves me,
If distance could see my torment, it would pity me in my misery.

١. بِنَفسِي بعيدُ الدّارِ بي مَن فِراقِهِ
جَوىً لو رآهُ البُعدُ رقَّ ليَ البُعدُ

2. My heart aches for him in longing,
While he remains indifferent, impervious to consolation.

٢. بِقلبِيَ من شوقٍ إِليهِ ولَوعَةٍ
عليهِ غليلٌ ليسَ يُبرِدِهُ الوِرْدُ

3. And my entrails find no solace
For the anguish they harbor, as much as zinc is soothed by water.

٣. وما بَردُ أَحشائي عَلى ما تَضَمَنَت
منَ الوجدِ إِلّا مثلَما بَرَدَ الزّنْدُ