
Tell the one who went astray in beauty over us,

قل لمن تاه بالجمال علينا

1. Tell the one who went astray in beauty over us,
What can the rule of youth last?

١. قُلْ لمن تَاه بالجَمالِ عَلينا
ما عَسى دولةُ الصِّبَا أن تَدومَا

2. Soon we will see your erect figure become
One of dejection and despair.

٢. عن قليلٍ نَرى قوامَكَ ذَا المَا
ئِسَ قد عادَ ذَا اعتدالٍ قَويمَا

3. And we will see your sickly eyelid healed
As if it had never been sick.

٣. ونَرى طرفَكَ السقيمَ وقد صَح
حَ كأَنْ لم يكن مَريضاً سَقيمَا

4. And we will see your hot cheeks and temple
Turn to ashes and rubble.

٤. ونَرى جَمْرَ وجنْتَيكَ وقد عا
دَ رمادَا وبقلَهُنّ هَشيمَا

5. And Justice from God calls out that the bright
Day has become a gloomy night.

٥. وتُنَادي عدلٌ من اللهِ أَن أَص
بَحَ ذاكَ النّهارُ لَيلاً بَهيمَا