
How long will you hope for care from the indifferent one,

إلى كم ترتجي عطف الملول

1. How long will you hope for care from the indifferent one,
And beg favors from the miser?

١. إلى كَم ترتجي عطفَ الملولِ
وتستَجْدي نوالاً مِن بَخيلِ

2. As if you, in what you have tried,
Are gathering the brightness of your day with the evening star.

٢. كأنّكَ في الّذي حاولتَ ساعٍ
لجمعِ ضُحى نهارِك بالأَصِيلِ

3. You have burdened your heart with great worry,
In hoping for a little kindness.

٣. لقد أوقَعتَ قلبكَ في عَناءٍ
كبيرٍ في رجاءِ جَدَىً قَليلِ

4. In desiring the arrogant there is humiliation,
And in accepting despair there is honor for the disgraced.

٤. وفي الأطماعِ للمُعتزِّ ذُلٌّ
وحُسنُ اليأسِ عِزٌّ للذَّليلِ

5. So do not disobey good advice, for caution protects,
Ones like you from seeking the impossible.

٥. فلا تَعصِ النُّهى فالحزمُ ناهٍ
لمثلكَ عن طِلابِ المستحيلِ

6. They forgot or neglected my covenant and turned,
To denying love, all who once inclined toward it.

٦. تَناسَوْا أو نَسُوا عهدي ومالُوا
إلى جَحْد الهوى كلَّ المَميلِ

7. And when they saw my beauty as ugliness,
They saw the blemish of beauty in the beautiful.

٧. ولمّا أن رَأَوا حَسَني قبيحاً
رأوا غَمْطَ الجميلِ من الجميلِ

8. They asked about you and changed toward you, so ask about them,
And leave what has turned away from them to change.

٨. سَلَوا وتبدَّلوا بكَ فاُسْلُ عنهُمْ
ودَعْ ما رابَ منهم للبديلِ

9. And do not seek compensation from them,
For all people are from the sons of their time.

٩. ولا تتطلَّبِ الأعواضَ عنهُم
فكلُّ الناسِ من أبناءِ جيلِ

10. And do not grieve for the betrayal of a friend,
For loyalty has been erased from the friend.

١٠. ولا تجزَعْ لغَدرٍ من خَليلٍ
فقد نُسِخَ الوفاءُ مِن الخليلِ

11. Overlook the speck, and rest your eye,
Silencing your grief over the intrusive anxiety.

١١. وأَغْضِ على القَذى عيناً وسَكِّنْ
حشاكَ على جَوَى الهَمِّ الدَّخيلِ