1. He is the generous one whom his praiser meets
Though he surpasses whatever praise or description
١. هو الجوادُ الذي يلقَاهُ مادحُهُ
وإن غَلا فوقَ ما أثْنَى وما وَصَفَا
2. A little slow yet his tranquility
Refuses anything but generosity and extravagance
٢. مَعذّلٌ في النّدَى لكنَّ راحَتَهُ
تأبَى مع العَذْلِ إلاّ البَذْلَ والسَّرَفَا
3. Difficult to persuade when you provoke him
Scant with pleasure but if you entreat him he obliges
٣. صَعبُ الإِباءِ إذا ما هِجتَ سَورتَهُ
نزرُ الرِّضا فإذا استَعطَفْتَهُ عَطَفَا
4. Harboring resentment against his enemies but if
They gain power over him, he shows love and pardons
٤. بَادي الحُقُودِ على أعدائِه فإذا
نَالتْهُمُ قدرةٌ منه حَبا وعَفَا
5. We traverse the meadows of his virtues abounding
With streams and roam in a garden most pleasurable
٥. نَغْشى مواردَ من أخلاقِه كَرُمتْ
وِرداً ونرتادُ منها روضةً أُنُفَا
6. Indifferent to ideals never ceasing
To pursue them throughout the turns of fate
٦. مستَهتَرٌ بالمعالي لا يزالُ على
تقلُّبِ الدَّهرِ مشغوفاً بها كَلِفَا
7. If rain fails, his gifts do not fail
Or if time treats harshly its sons, he treats gently
٧. ُ أخلَفَ الغيثُ لم تُخلِف مواهِبُهُ
أو فَظَّ دهرٌ على أبنائه لَطُفَا
8. The justice of his cause does not judge wealth
Except with fairness and excess
٨. عَدْلُ القضيّةِ إلاّ في مواهبِهِ
لم يقضِ في المالِ إلا جارَ واعتسفَا
9. His bounties encompass the flawed and the noble
As if he were the sea containing pearl and shell
٩. تَعُمُّ نُعماه ذا نقصٍ وذا شرَفٍ
كأنَّه البحرُ يحوي الدُّرَّ والصَّدَفَا
10. Of impeccable morals, no act to be blamed on him
You see no perfection from which he desists
١٠. مُنَزَّهُ الخُلقِ عن فعلٍ يُعابُ بهِ
فما تَرى لكمَالٍ عنه مُنْصَرَفَا