
Naught but remembrance did this longing stir,

ما هاج هذا الشوق غير الذكر

1. Naught but remembrance did this longing stir,
The phantom's visit crept from Cairo's sand,

١. ما هَاجَ هذا الشوقَ غيرُ الذكْرِ
وزَوْرةُ الطيفِ سَرَى من مصْرِ

2. After long estrangement and aloofness,
How many a sea and desert he traversed,

٢. من بعد طُولِ جفوةٍ وهَجرِ
كم خاضَ بحراً وفَلاً كبحرِ

3. Roaming the night, comrade of disquietude,
Till he arrived dust-laden in the waste,

٣. يَجوبُه الليلَ حليفَ ذُعرِ
حتى أتى طَلائِحاً في قَفرِ

4. Having folded up the miles and faded,
As the new moon's sickle that doth waste,

٤. قد انْطوَيْنَ من سُرىً وضُمرِ
حتى اغتدينَ كهلالِ الشهرِ

5. Bearing each excellence as bears the hawk,
As though a firmly-fastened tent-peg were he,

٥. يَحمِلنَ كلَّ ماجدٍ كالصّقْرِ
كأَنّه مُهنّدٌ ذُو أَثرِ

6. Far from the goal of will and thought,
For glory striving, not for sordid gain,

٦. بعيدُ مَهوَى همّةٍ وذِكرِ
للمجدِ يَسعى لا لكسبِ الوَفرِ

7. So I urged on my camel short of journey's end
To remind me of time's prime, so fresh and fair,

٧. فأمَّ رَحلِي دُونَ رَحلِ السّفْرِ
يُذكِرُني طيبَ الزَّمان النَّضرِ

8. Alas for him, his days and life
That were but a brief space in time's march.

٨. واهاً لَهُ مِن زَمنٍ وعُمرِ
ما كانَ إلاّ غُرّةً في الدَّهرِ

9. When youth was mine, at the daybreak of desire,
And the goal of death was life's high noon

٩. إذ الصِّبا عند التّصابي عُذري
وغايةُ المُنيَةُ أمُّ عَمرِو

10. A fawn, fairer than moonlit nights,
Of distant hips and slender waist,

١٠. غَرّاءُ أبهى من ليالِي البدرِ
بعيدةُ القُرط هضيمُ الخَصرِ

11. Lovelier than sun through rain-clouds' rift,
Bewitching minds as wine bemists,

١١. أحسنُ من شَمسٍ بِغبِّ قَطرِ
تفعلُ بالألبابِ فعلَ الخَمرِ

12. Smiling, as pearls on necklace strung,
As were she liquid 'mid throat's beads,

١٢. تبسِمُ عن مثلِ نظيمِ الدُّرِ
كأنّهُ لآليءٌ في نَحْرِ

13. When she sways, ere the stars grow dim,
She breathes like scent from flowers fresh-culled,

١٣. إذا انْثَنَت قبلَ نَمُوم الفجرِ
تَنَفَّست عن مثلِ رَيّا الزّهرِ

14. As if her mouth wereExtraction for perfume blent,
And if heavily she paces, dazed with pride,

١٤. كأنّ فَاهَا جُونَةٌ لِعطرِ
وإن مَشَت مثقلةً بِالبُهرِ

15. She paces like the breeze o'er pools that glide,
You'd think it magic or a magic-like illusion,

١٥. مَشْيَ النسيم بمِياهِ الغُدْر
رأيتَ سِحراً أو شَبيهَ سحْرِ

16. A stagnant night 'neath traveling sun,
Two opposites which for one end combine,

١٦. رَاكِدَ ليلٍ تحتَ شمسٍ تَسري
ضِدّان فيها اتّفقا لأمرِ

17. O you who blame me, blame but stirs desire,
You've stirred my passions, and you do not know,

١٧. يا لائِمي إنّ الملامَ يُغري
هيّجتَ أشواقِي ولستَ تَدرِي

18. Not you, what in me burnt of love and thought,
When night allays my heart's unrest,

١٨. لا بكَ ما بِي من جَوىً وفكرِ
إذا أراحَ الليلُ همَّ صدرِي

19. I keep vigil on every star that fleets,
As though my entrails were of live coals,

١٩. أَبيتُ أرعَى كل نجمٍ يَسرِي
كأنَّما حَشِيَّتي من جَمْرِ

20. How can there be solace with time's caprice
Fretting my wounds and causing pain renewed,

٢٠. كيفَ العزاءُ وصروفُ الدّهرِ
تقرِفُ قَرحِي وتَهيضُ كَسرِي

21. As though it sought me with a tent-rope,
And patience, if you knew its bitterness,

٢١. كأنّها تطلُبُني بِوَترِ
والصّبرُ لو خبِرتَهُ كالصّبرِ