
Do not be deceived by a slender waist so weak,

لا تغترر بنحول خصر أهيف

1. Do not be deceived by a slender waist so weak,
For death lies in the edge of a sharp sword.

١. لا تَغْتَرِرْ بنحُولِ خَصرٍ أهيَفِ
فالموتُ في حَدِّ الحُسامِ المُرهَفِ

2. And beware the glance of an ailing observer,
Who attacks violently like a ferocious, unruly person.

٢. وتَوَقَّ فتكةَ ناظِرٍ مُتَمرِّضٍ
يسطُو سُطَا مُتَغشرِمٍ مُتَعَجْرِفِ

3. My thirst from the cold lips is so extreme, so who has seen
Thirst from such coldness capped with an icy drink?

٣. ظَمَئِي من الثَّغرِ البَرُود فمَن رأى
ظَمآنَ من بَرْدٍ يُعلُّ بَقَرقَفِ

4. Who can connect me to one who delays in repaying his debts,
Promising repayment alongside ease, but does not fulfill?

٤. من لي بوصْلِ مُماطلٍ بدُيُونِهِ
يَعِدُ القَضَاءَ مَعَ اليسَارِ فَلا يَفِي

5. On his face is the water of saltiness, confused,
And in his cheek is the rose of life, not yet plucked.

٥. في وَجهِهِ ماءُ الملاحَةِ حائرٌ
وبخدِّهِ وَردُ الحَيَا لم يُقطَفِ

6. So it seems the mark of his excuse on his cheek
Is like ants creeping above a double rose.

٦. فكأَنَّ وشْيَ عِذارِهِ في خدِّهِ
نَملٌ تسرَّبَ فَوقَ وردٍ مُضْعَفِ