
If the nights surprise you

إن فاجأتك الليالي

1. If the nights surprise you
With something unpleasant, so be patient,

١. إن فاجَأَتْكَ اللّيالي
بما يسوءُ فَصَبْرَا

2. For time wears down hardship,
And follows hardship with ease.

٢. فالدهرُ يُرهِقُ عُسراً
ويُتبِعُ العُسرَ يُسرا

3. If the bad in it were to persist,
The good in it would not endure.

٣. لو دامَ ما ساءَ مِنْهُ
لدامَ ما كانَ سَرَّا