1. A companion said, we have stood long
At the abode, bereft of intimacy and composure
١. يقول صحابي قد أطلت وقوفنا
على الدار مسلوب الأسى والتماسك
2. Do you stop at every house
Watering its soil with pouring tears?
٢. أفي كل دار قد عفت أنت واقف
تروي ثراها بالدموع السوافك
3. As if you were completing its structure
And in what survived of its quarters lied your beloved
٣. كأنك في رسم الديار متمم
وفيما عفا من ربعها قبر مالك
4. So I said, yes this is an abode I knew well
Where my friends dwelled like clustered stars
٤. فقلت نعم هذي ديار عهدتها
بها معشري مثل النجوم الشوابك
5. But time's adversity befell them and it became
Desolate while they were lost between survival and demise
٥. أصابهم ريب الزمان فأصبحت
فقارا وهم ما بين ناء وهالك