1. He complains of separation, while where is the cruelty
Of passion's plaint and its waywardness compared to his?
١. ومَا بالُه يشكُو الفِراقَ وأينَ مِن
قَسَاوتِه شَكوَى الهَوَى وعُتُوِّهِ
2. I left him not, the home of love and its refuge,
The abode of grief and outpouring in his neighbourhood.
٢. ومَا خِلْتُه مَهوَى الهَوى ومَقِيلَهُ
ومَأوى الأسى والبَثِّ عند هُدوِّهِ
3. His longings return to him in the morning
And care takes refuge with him at his withdrawal.
٣. تَثُوب إليه في الصّباحِ شُجونُهُ
وَيأْوِي إليه الهَمُّ عندَ هُدوِّهِ
4. By my life, he who bade me farewell with a greeting
From afar, his nearness drew nigh with its remoteness.
٤. بِنَفْسِيَ مَن أهْدَى إليَّ تَحِيّةً
على بُعدِه وافَتْ بِرَيّا دُنُوِّهِ
5. So I remember one whose pact time has not made him forget
Nor has his despair in its farness and retirement lost hope.
٥. فأذكَرَ مَن لم تُنْسِهِ عَهدَهُ النَّوى
ولاَ طَمِعَتْ في يأْسِهِ ونُبُوِّهِ
6. He yearns with longing for the late morn and forenoon
And finds repose in his soul's ease and his advance.
٦. يَحِنُّ اشتياقاً بالأصائِلِ والضّحى
ويرتَاحُ في روْحاتهِ وغُدُوِّهِ