
You knew what their eyelids did to him

أعلمت ما فعلت به أجفانه

1. You knew what their eyelids did to him
They brushed over, so their love filled his sorrows

١. أعَلِمتَ ما فَعلتْ به أجفانُه
سحَّتْ فباحَتْ بالهوَى أشجانُهُ

2. His sighs grew over his regrets
And so does its smoke grow over burning embers

٢. نمَّتْ على حَسَراتِه زفَراتُهُ
وكذَا ينمُّ على الضِرَام دُخَانُهُ

3. And the brother of love is like a book's guide
Its clarity is its guide and its title is its guide

٣. وأخُو الهوَى مثلُ الكتابِ دليلُ ذا
كَ عِيانُهُ ودليلُ ذَا عُنوانُهُ

4. The lightnings narrate his heart so their flashes
Are his passions and their flickers are its flutters

٤. تَحكِي البروقُ فؤادَه فَضِرَامُها
أشواقُهُ وخُفوقُها خَفقَانُهُ

5. Love pledged it will remain a fellow of yearning
And it fulfilled that pledge, such is its pledge

٥. ضَمِنَ الهَوى ألاّ يَزالَ أخَا ضَنىً
وضَمانَةٍ فَوَفَى بذَاك ضَمانُهُ

6. O you who claim to be done with your loved ones
Where is your aloofness and where is its time?

٦. يا مُدَّعِي السُّلوانِ عن أحبابِهِ
أينَ السُّلُوُّ وأينَ منكَ أوانُهُ

7. Your homelands parted from them and longing carried you
The dates are jolly and the fires are blazing

٧. شطًّتْ دِيارُك عنهُمُ وهفَا بِكَ الشْ
شَوقُ المبرِّحُ والتَظَتْ نِيرانُهُ

8. And your love exposed you, so what can one do?
This love did it and so did its clarity

٨. وأبانَ بينهُمُ هَواكَ فما عَسى
بكَ فاعلٌ هذَا الهَوى وبيانُهُ

9. You concealed while healthy, before falling ill
So after that concealment was revealed

٩. كاتَمتَ واشِيَكَ الهَوى قبلَ النّوى
فَبَدا له من بَعدِها كِتمانُهُ

10. And your tear disobeyed when you thought of them
As much as you obeyed love, you disobeyed it

١٠. وعَصَاكَ دمعُكَ عند خَطرةِ ذِكْرِهم
وبِقَدْرِ طَاعَتِك الهَوَى عِصيانُهُ

11. So when its beads dripped from your eyelids
As bracelets, coral and pearls

١١. فإذا تَبادرَ من جُفونِك خِلْتَهُ
عِقداً وَهَي مَرجانُهُ وجُمَانُهُ

12. If the resentful envier knew my fortune through them
His grudges would turn into mercy

١٢. لو أيقَنَ الحَنِقُ الحسودُ عليهِمُ
حَظّي لَحالَتْ رحمةً أضغَانُهُ

13. Between the lover and them from their estrangement
Is a long separation, far-reaching and lasting

١٣. بين المُحبِّ وبينَهُم من هَجرِهم
بينٌ طويلٌ بَرحُهُ وزَمانُهُ

14. They showed him the boredom of a neighbor, while yearning
And forgetting the distant, though neighbors they are

١٤. أبْدَوا لَه مَلَلَ القَريبِ مع النَّوى
وتَنَاسِيَ النّائِي وهُم جِيرَانُهُ

15. The phantom appeared to them in their form
So when it hurts me, their estrangement horrifies me

١٥. وتَخَلّقَ الطّيفُ الطّروقُ بِخُلْقِهم
فَإذَا ألَمَّ يَرُوعني هِجرانُهُ

16. And they are the youth, its days are beloved
Though his devil transgresses in his confusion

١٦. وَهُم الصّبَا أيامُه محبوبَةٌ
وإنِ اعتدَى في غَيِّهِ شَيطانُهُ

17. Their beauty makes up for their boredom
And estrangement is a sin, hoping its forgiveness

١٧. وجَمالُهُم كَفَّارةٌ لِمَلالِهِم
والهجرُ ذنبٌ يُرتَجَى غُفرانُهُ

18. If they knew their place, they would not have
Scorched my heart with their estrangement, and they are its inhabitants

١٨. لو يعلَمُونَ مكانَهُم ما أضْرَموا
قَلبِي بِهَجرِهِمُ وهُم سُكّانُهُ

19. In their ignorance, they glanced with prolonged aloofness
And boredom, glancing at my eyes, and they are its humanity

١٩. ولجَهلِهمْ طَرَفوا بطُول صدُودِهم
وَملاَلِهم طَرفْي وهُم إنْسَانُهُ