
My experiences have warned me of associating with the fickle

حذرتني تجاربي صحبة العالم

1. My experiences have warned me of associating with the fickle
I have even come to dislike keeping company with my own shadow

١. حذرتني تجاربي صحبة العا
لم حتى كرهت صحبة ظلي

2. There is no vinegar in them when adversity strikes
I said I have nothing but my own vinegar to ward it off

٢. ليس فيهم خل إذا ناب خطب
قلت مالي لدفعه غير خلي

3. They all show affection in times of ease
But shun you in hardship

٣. كلهم يبذل الوداد لدى ال
يسر ولكنهم عدى للمقل

4. So I isolated myself from them
For in your seclusion from them lies the soul's respite from caution and humiliation

٤. فاعتزلهم ففي انفرادك منهم
راحة النفس من حذار وذل