
The abode of love, your landmarks are still alive

ديار الهوى حيا معالمك ولإن

1. The abode of love, your landmarks are still alive
Even if nothing recalls you but memory through time

١. ديار الهوى حيا معالمك
وإن لم يدع إلا تذكرك الدهر

2. I knew you as a horizon for joy, and dwellers
Of your meadows were stars and flowers everywhere

٢. عهدتك أفقا للسعود وساكنو
ربوعك في أرجائك الأنجم الزهر

3. And their time was the vigor of spring in its bloom
Will that fresh, verdant era return back to me?

٣. وعصرهم فصل الربيع نضارة
فهل يرجعن لي ذلك الزمن النضر

4. Whenever the abode and its people come to mind
Woe is me! Who finds it can renew the memory?

٤. إذا مر في فكري الديار وأهلها
فيالي من وجد يجدده الذكر

5. If loneliness distressed me after their loss
I wavered as though magic had struck me down

٥. إذا أوحشتني وحدتي بعد فقرهم
ولهت كأني قد أصابني السحر

6. How can I find solace? Solace is in them!
No compensation for them, no enduring their loss

٦. فكيف التأسي والتأسي فيهم
ولا عوض عنهم ولا عنهم صبر

7. Ill-fated was the time which delighted me with them
They did no wrong, but wronged they were, retribution for the joy they brought

٧. لقد ساءني الدهر الذي سرني بهم
وما ظلموا ساؤوا قصاصا بما سروا