1. O my savior, though calamities make me their drink
And the sender of my concerns redoubles their dispatch
١. أيا مُنقذِي والحادثاتُ تَنوشُنِي
ودافِعَ همي إذ ترادَف بعَثُهُ
2. My tongue is silenced from thanking your hands
While you are above any praise I may utter
٢. لسانِيَ عَن شكرِي أياديكَ مُفحَمٌ
وأنتَ فأَعلى من ثناءٍ أبُثُّهُ
3. You have borne for me every peril that harms me
And sustained my life though its wickedness was evident
٣. تحمّلتَ عني كلَّ خطبٍ يَؤودُنِي
ونَاهَلْتَنِي عَيشي وقد بَان خُبثُهُ
4. You ransomed, O trustee of brotherly devotion
Heedless of absence, the scattering of affection
٤. فِدىً لك يَا طوعَ الإخاءِ أمينَهُ
على غَيبِهِ مُستكْرَهُ الوُدِّ رَثُّهُ
5. Forgetful of what passes, no matter how long its term
Attached to whom you love, no matter how long their stay
٥. نَسِيٌّ لما يُولَى ومَا طالَ عهدُه
ملُولٌ لَمن يَهوَى وما دام لَبثُهُ
6. Nor do I complain of longing for you out of patience
Though it is the confusion of my heart and its pouring forth
٦. وما أشتكِي شوقي إليكَ تجلُّداً
على أَنَّه بَلْبَالُ قَلبِي وَبثُّهُ
7. And my heart divided me upon patience from you
No wonder, after you, its breach appeared
٧. وقاسَمَنِي قلبِي على الصّبرِ عنكُمُ
ولا عجبٌ إن بانَ بعدَكَ حنثُهُ
8. Still your guardian brings it inclining toward you
And the perfidy of fate's turns calls it from you
٨. وما زال يَثنِيه إليكَ حِفَاظُهُ
وغَدْرُ صُروفِ الدّهرِ عنك تَحثُّهُ
9. And shared with me in it your love, so its reasoning
And thoughts are with me and with you their dwelling
٩. وشَاركَني فيهِ هَواكَ فهمُّهُ
وأفكارُه عِندي وعندَك مُكثُهُ
10. Nor did calamities shake me, though I
Am as you know the human race to be in woes and their mayhem
١٠. وما ضَعضَعَتْنِي الحادثاتُ وإنّني
كَعهدِكَ وعْرُ الخُلقِ في الخطبِ وَعْثُهُ
11. Bold toward terrors, and death a restrainer
Bitter of powers, and time's betrayal appeared
١١. جَريءٌ على الأهوالِ والموتُ مُحجِمٌ
مَرِيرُ القُوَى والدّهرُ قد بان نَكْثُهُ
12. Oppressive in rage that narrows the breast
Yet I, though my forbearance seems lasting, do not vent it
١٢. كَظُومٌ على غيظٍ يضيقُ بِهِ الحَشَا
فلستُ وإن آدَ اصطبارِي أَبثُّهُ
13. Nor did I inherit excellent patience out of weariness
Rather, it is from an enlightener to me, its legacy
١٣. ولم أَرِثِ اُلصَّبرَ الجميلَ كَلالَةً
ولكِنَّهُ عَن مُرشدٍ ليَ إرثُهُ
14. From the excellent, the epochs of time have resembled
No good in them but from him, and their rot
١٤. عن المُمترِي أخْلافَ دهرٍ تَشابَهتْ
أطَايبُهُ إلاّ عَليه وغَثُّهُ
15. A spring hailed him, reviving people, its freshening
When the bleak one leaves, his malodorousness passes
١٥. نَداهُ ربيعٌ يُنعشُ الناسَ سَيبُهُ
إذا اخْلَفَ الوسميُّ جَادَ مُلِثُّهُ
16. His perfection doubles the sickness of enviers
Though it heals the disease with its breath
١٦. يُضاعِفُ داءَ الحاسدينَ كَمالُهُ
على أَنّه يَشفي من الدَّاءِ نَفْثُهُ