
A friend of mine turned hostile after affection

صديق لي تنكر بعد ود

1. A friend of mine turned hostile after affection
The mother of betrayal is fertile in this world

١. صديقٌ لي تَنَكَّرَ بعد وُدٍّ
وأُمُّ الغَدرِ في الدُّنيا وَلودُ

2. Boredom made him see my beauty as ugly
So he turned away, though turning away is hard for friends

٢. أراهُ مَلالُه حَسَني قبيحاً
فصدَّ وأيسَرُ الغَدرِ الصُّدودُ

3. He blamed today what he had praised in me yesterday
His experiences attest, though yesterday he bore witness

٣. وذَمّ اليومَ ما حَمدتْه منّي
تجارِبُه وأمس بِه شهيدُ

4. I do not blame him for what came over him
A good deed turned bitter for him

٤. ولستُ ألومُه فيما أَتَاهُ
أساءَ فرابَهُ الفِعلُ الحميدُ

5. The sick may find water bitter
In his mouth, though it is very cold

٥. وقد يَجِدُ المريضُ الماءَ مرّاً
بفيهِ وهْو سلسالٌ بَرودُ