
Behold the glee of my critic and his joy

انظر شماتة عاذلي وسروره

1. Behold the glee of my critic and his joy
At the eclipse of my moon and the gloom of my horizon

١. انظُر شَماتَةَ عاذِلي وسُرورَهُ
بكُسُوفِ بَدرِي واشتِهارِ مَحاقهِ

2. The darkness of hair has covered his cheeks
While at dawn the earth is illuminated by my radiance

٢. غَطّى ظَلامُ الشّعْرِ من وَجناتِه
صُبحاً تضيءُ الأرضُ من إشراقهِ

3. And he, the ignorant one, says "This is transient"
Transient perhaps, but not for my lovers

٣. وهو الجهُولُ يقولُ هذا عارضٌ
هُو عارضٌ لكن على عُشّاقِهِ