1. My generous mentor, blessings abound,
His gifts flow like clouds bursting aground.
١. أَبَا البركاتِ لي مولىً جَوادٌ
مواهبُهُ كمُنهلِّ السّحابِ
2. He fulfills hopes, though far they may seem,
As though he could restore lost youth's dream.
٢. يُحكِّمٌ في مكارِمهِ الأمانِي
ولو كلّفْتَهُ ردّ الشّبابِ
3. Why then, the object of all my desire
Appears always distant, ever to aspire?
٣. فَما بَالي أرَى ما أَبتغِيهِ
بعيداً عند مُنقَطِعِ السّرابِ
4. Your excuse for not granting my wish outright
Is preoccupation; mine is impolite.
٤. وعذرُكَ في قضا شُغلِي قضاءٌ
يُصرِّفُهُ فَما عُذْرُ الجَوابِ