
Oh you whose glory is the glory of religion, learn that

إيها بحقك مجد الدين تعلم أن

1. Oh you whose glory is the glory of religion, learn that
Neither patience from you nor tranquility are of my nature

١. إِيهاً بحقِّكَ مجدَ الدّينِ تعلّمُ أَنْ
نَ الصبرَ عنكَ أو السُّلوانَ من خُلُقِي

2. Nor that after my distance from you I am happy
With life - indeed with it I am not to be denied misery

٢. أَو أَنّنِي بَعد بُعدِي عنْكَ مُغْتَبِطٌ
بالعيشِ إِنّي به لاَ تُكذَبَنَّ شَقِي

3. Oh my heart that yearning makes restless
To meet you - what solace have I found?

٣. يا ويحَ قلبيَ من شوقٍ يُقَلْقِلُهُ
إلى لِقَائِكَ ماذا من نَواك لَقِي

4. With an eye whose lids grief has wounded
Drowning in tears of anguish for you

٤. ونَاظِرٍ قُرِّحَتْ أجفَانُه أسَفاً
عليكَ في لُجَّةٍ من دمعه غَرقِ

5. And after what is in me, my caring threatens me
With the bitterness of your opinion and disapproval

٥. وبعدَ ما بِي فإشفاقِي يُهدّدُني
بشَوبِ رأيِك بالتكديرِ والرَّنَقِ

6. And that your heart is now covered with clouds of
Coldness and darkness towards me like night

٦. وأنَّ قلبَكَ قد رَانت عليه من ال
واشين بي جفوةٌ يهماءُ كالغَسَقِِ

7. And they compete with me over your good opinion
Until I have become lost in the evil of doubt

٧. ونافَسُونِيَ في حُسنى ظُنونِك بي
حتّى غدوتُ وسوءَ الشّكِّ في نَسَقِِ

8. By them the yearnings of my passion for you are opposed
And I sigh from a burning thirst that has no relief

٨. بهم تباريحُ أشواقي إليكَ وما
أُجَنُّ من زفَراتٍ بالجَوى نُطُقِِ

9. Is it not enough for them the intention of my house and your
Absence from my eye and the separation from the friends of my honest youth?

٩. أمَا كَفاهُم نَوَى دارِي وبعدُكَ عن
عَينِي وفُرقَةُ إخوانِ الصِّبا الصُّدُقِ

10. And that I face alone every day the fury
Of a vicious battle, violent and intense

١٠. وأَنَّني كلَّ يومٍ قطبُ معرَكةٍ
دريئَةُ السُّمرِ والهنديّةِ الذّلُقِِ

11. I enter the fray alone, without my family, while they
When horses plunge into the thick of the fight,

١١. أغشَى الوغى مفرداً من أُسرتي وهمُ
هُمُ إذا الخيلُ خاضت لُجّةَ العَلَقِِ

12. They are the warriors and boys obedient
And the firm-faced honorable men

١٢. هم المحامُون والأشبالُ مُسلَمَةٌ
والملتقُون الرّدَى بالأوجهِ الطّلُقِِ

13. And my position with you cannot be elevated by the slanderers
Nor changed by my foolishness or my wisdom

١٣. وموضِعي منكَ لا تسمُو الوُشاةُ له
ولا يُغيّرُه كَيْسي ولا حُمُقِي

14. But an accusation came and my chest narrowed because of it
And had it been about another it would not have pained me

١٤. وإنّما قالةٌ جاءَت فضاقَ لها
صدرِي ولو غيرُكَ المعنيُّ لم يَضِقِِ

15. I denied it then suspicions whispered to me that
Time is not to be trusted so do not have certainty

١٥. كذّبتُها ثُمَ ناجتني الظّنونُ بأَنْ
نَ اُلدَّهْرَ ليس بمأمونٍ فلا تَثِقِِ

16. How it has choked me with what has passed through it
And soured the coolness of the chain with heat

١٦. كم قد أغَصَّ بما تَمرِي مذاقَتُه
ونَغَّصَ الباردَ السلسالَ بالشَّرَقِ

17. Fear is expected from one I thought secure
Who might bite the hand gently outstretched

١٧. توقَّع الخوفَ ممَّن أنت آمِنُهُ
قد تنكأُ الكَلْمَ كفُّ الآسِيِ الرّفِقِ

18. So I said what is it to me to conceal what troubles me
With doubts like the actions of an enraged madman

١٨. فقلتُ مالي وكَتمِي ما تُخالِجُني
فيه الظّنونُ كفعلِ المُغضَبِ المَلِقِ

19. I cry out to the echo of my voice and the place of my pain
Where I cannot bear the burden, however light

١٩. أدعو لما بي صَدَى صوتي وموضعَ شَكْ
وايَ وحاملَ ثِقْلي حيث لم أُطِقِ

20. If what grew was false and I reckoned it true
With him is pardon for one who erred unknowingly

٢٠. فإن يكن ما نَمى زُوراً وأحسَبُهُ
فعندَه العفوُ عن ذي الهَفوةِ العُقُقِ

21. And if it was so, and I avoid his glory, his rebuke
Would melt me with the heat of anxiety like fire

٢١. وإن يكن وأحاشي مجده ثَلَجت
عُتباه حرَّ حشاً بالهمِّ مُحترِقِ

22. He is the father whom one fears when displeased
And whose pardon one hopes for in times of anger

٢٢. هو الأبيُّ الذي تُخشى بوادِرُهُ
ويُرتَجَى عَفوُهُ في سَوْرةِ الحَنَقِِ

23. His rebuke meets my sins before my excuses
And the water of my face with him is guarded from being spilled

٢٣. عُتباهُ تلقَى ذُنوبي قبل معذرتي
وماءُ وجهِي مَصُونٌ فيه لم يُرَقِ

24. The days have not changed his opinion of me
Nor has the batting of an eyelash won my position with him

٢٤. لا غيَّرتْ رأيَهُ الأيّامُ فيَّ ولا
نالت مكانيَ منه لَقعَةُ الحدَقِ