
I have no patience with the full moon's bright rising,

لا صبر لي عن بدر تم مشرق

1. I have no patience with the full moon's bright rising,
Its remoteness has made the distance agony.

١. لا صبرَ لي عن بدرِ تمٍّ مُشرقٍ
أضحَى لَهُ البينُ المشتُّ سرَارَا

2. I chided him for his aloofness before parting,
As if my reproach made him more stubborn.

٢. عاتَبتُهُ في صَدِّه قبلَ النَّوى
فكأنَّ عتْبي زادَهُ إصرارَا

3. Reproach made him blush with shame,
Adding more beauty to his handsome face.

٣. وعَرتْهُ من خَجلِ العتابِ كآبةٌ
زادتْ محاسِنَ وجهِه أنوارَا

4. I saw the waters of modesty fill his cheek,
Trickling as if they were flames of fire.

٤. ورأَيتُ أمواهَ الحيَاءِ بخدِهِ
فَتَرَقرَقَت حتَّى استحالَت نَارَا