
O you whose affection grows

يا من هواه على التنائي

1. O you whose affection grows
Through our closeness and intimacy

١. يا من هَواهُ على التّنا
ئِي والتّدانِي في ازدْيادِ

2. I've become an exile due to
Our separation, though with my family in my homeland

٢. أصبحتُ مُغترِباً لبُعْ
دِك بين أهلي في بِلاَدِي

3. Lonely despite many friends
With the loneliness of one isolated

٣. مستوحِشاً معَ كثرةِ ال
خُلاّنِ وحْشَةَ ذِي انْفرادِ

4. At the very least since we parted
I've suffered from the nights of separation

٤. وأقلُّ ما لا قيتُ بَعْ
دَكَ من تَبارِيح البِعادِ

5. Yearning for you brought unrestrained
Tears and fevered my sleep

٥. شوقٌ إليك أباحَ فَيْ
ضَ مَدامعِي وحمى رُقَادي