
Since my experiences enlightened me and warned me,

مذ بصرتني تجاريبي ونبهني

1. Since my experiences enlightened me and warned me,
And my knowledge of my fate made me lose a life of ease,

١. مُذ بصّرَتْني تَجاريبي ونَبَّهَني
خُبْرِي بدهرِي فقدتُ العيشةَ الرّغَدَا

2. It was as if I had been in a dream and was awakened,
My fear denied sleep to my eyelids.

٢. كأنَّنِي كنتُ في حُلْمٍ فأيقظَني
خَوْفي وآلَى على جفنيَّ لا رَقَدَا

3. I was helpless in the world, having no capable hand
To help me, though helping hands and hands to lean on abound.

٣. عجزتُ عن الدنيَا فما ليَ من يدٍ
بِها وليَ الأيَدُ المساعدُ واليَدُ

4. But I never asked anything of it, to be pampered,
Nor gained from it what I wish and desire.

٤. ولكنّنِي لم أسْلُ عنها فأرْعَوي
ولا نِلتُ منها ما أَوَدُّ وأقصِدُ

5. I suffered from the excellent virtues I had acquired
With the least of them the wretched attain happiness and bliss.

٥. شَقِيتُ بما أحرزتُه من فضائلٍ
بأيسرِها يحظى الشقيُّ ويَسعَدُ

6. And if my soul escaped with the shedding of its faults,
There would be in it hesitation and relapse.

٦. وفي النَّفسِ إن ناجَيْتُها باطِّراحِها
وبالزُّهدِ فيها فترةٌ وترَدُّدُ

7. O Lord, inspire it with guidance through abandoning them!
For you guide whom you will, and you point the way.

٧. فيا ربّ أَلْهمْها الرشادَ بتركِها
فإِنَّك تهدِي من تشاءُ وتُرْشِدُ