1. And I'm impressed by how excellent Aziz al-Din's view is,
Seeking it after his kindness has taught me,
١. واُبتزَّني رأْيَ عزّ الدّينِ مُستلِباً
من بعدما عمّنِي إحسانُه وضَفَا
2. His blame added worries that made me suffer,
Revealing my observer's amicable sight and denied,
٢. أضَافَنِي عتبهُ همّاً شَجِيتُ بهِ
أبانَ عن نَاظِري طِيبَ الكَرى ونَفَى
3. Stories embellished came to him about me,
Nothing of which against him, for he is most brilliant, was hidden,
٣. أتَتهُ عَنِّي أحاديثٌ مُزَخرفَةٌ
ما إنْ بِها عنهُ وهْو الألمَعيُّ خَفَا
4. But they coincided with boredom in his heart,
He didn't verify the validity of the claim nor uncover,
٤. لكنّها وافَقتْ من قَلبِهِ مَلَلاً
لم يَسْتبِنْ صحّةَ الدّعوَى ولا كَشَفَا
5. And satisfaction with one far from his traits isn't
When affability appealed to him and joined,
٥. وما الرِّضَا ببعيدٍ من خَلائِقِهِ
وهي السّلافَةُ راقتْ رقّةً وصَفَا
6. O you who contained all the glories of precedence,
So none are seen differing in preferring him over another,
٦. يا مَن حَوَى قصَباتِ السّبقِ أجمعَها
فما يُرى اُثْنانِ في تفضيلِهِ اُختلَفَا
7. I spent my life's doctrine pleased with you and haven't
Seen anyone spend a lifetime and find a replacement,
٧. أَنفقْتُ مُذهَبَ عُمرِي في رضاكَ وما
رأيتُ مُنفِقَ عُمرٍ واجداً خَلَفَا
8. But I'm prevented by the goodness of your view for me
So I attained through it height, honor, and nobility,
٨. لَكِنّني اُعتضْتُ منه حُسنَ رأيِكَ لي
فَنِلتُ منه العُلا والعزَّ والشّرفَا
9. Until when I equaled stars in height
And said that I got intimacy from my days,
٩. حتّى إذَا أنَا ماثَلْتُ النجومَ عُلاً
وقلتُ قَد نِلتُ من أيامِيَ الزُّلَفَا
10. You showed me after good tidings estrangement and agony,
And after righteousness and kindness harshness and aloofness,
١٠. أريتَنِي بَعد بِشْرٍ هجرةً وقِلىً
وبَعد بِرٍّ ولُطفٍ قَسوةً وجَفَا
11. So I returned empty-handed from what I had attained,
As if what I got was snatched right out of my palms,
١١. فَعُدتُ صِفَر يدٍ ممّا ظَفِرتُ بهِ
كأنَّ ما نِلْتُهُ من كَفّيَ اخْتُطِفَا
12. Drive me, I came in ignorance of what was cast upon me,
So where is your forbearance and excellence that was known?
١٢. هبْنِي أتيتُ بِجَهلٍ ما قُذِفتُ به
فأَين حِلمُكَ والفضلُ الّذِي عُرِفَا
13. And who knows the covenants of the inner self of one
Who shows integrity whether he said or swore?
١٣. ولاَ ومَن يعلمَ الأسرارَ حِلْفَةَ من
يَبَرُّ فيما أتَى إن قَال أو حَلَفَا
14. My soul didn't tell me in its solitude
What it reproaches me for when uncovered,
١٤. ما حدّثَتْنِيَ نَفسي عندَ خَلوتِها
بما تُعَنِّفُنِي فيهِ إذا اُنكَشَفَا
15. But it's wretchedness that transpired and a decree
That loved me worries for two years and sorrow,
١٥. لكنّها شِقوةٌ حَانَتْ وأَقضِيَةٌ
حَبَتْنِيَ الهمَّ مذُ عَامَينِ والأَسفَا
16. Various matters have switched me,
If the slightest weight of them was carried, it would be shredded,
١٦. تداولَتْنِي أمورٌ غيرُ واحدةٍ
لو حُمِّلَ الطَّوْدُ أدنَى ثِقْلِهَا نُسِفَا
17. And the arrows of enviers struck me
For my access to you until they pierced the target,
١٧. وأقْصَدَتْني سهامُ الحاسِدِيّ عَلَى
فَوزِي بقُربِكَ حتى قَرطَسُوا الهَدَفا
18. And after what befell me, if you're kind to me again,
Then I've forgiven my fate all that's passed,
١٨. وبعدَ مَا نَالني إن جُدتَ لي برضاً
فقد غفرتُ لدَهرِي كلَّ مَا سلَفَا
19. And that's my assumption, so if it's true you're worthy of what
I hoped, and if it fails, oh what regrets!
١٩. وذاكَ ظَنّي فإن يَصدُقَ فأنت لِما
رجوتُ أهلٌ وإنْ يُخفِقْ فوا أسفَا
20. Far from you, my assumptions of you fail
Or my hopes fold in despair and turn away,
٢٠. حاشَاكَ تَغدُو ظُنوني فيكَ مُخفِقَةً
أو يَنثني أمَلي باليأسِ مُنْصرَِفاً
21. And my paradise in my time is your good view of me
Honor it with a paradise, not with white or green,
٢١. وجُنَّتِي من زماني حُسنُ رأيكَ بي
أكرِمْ بها جُنّةً لا البِيضَ والزَّغَفَا
22. I'm accustomed to your affection since I was, and have
Lost it, and the loss of what is accustomed is severe,
٢٢. أَلِفتُ منكَ حُنُوَّاً منذ كنتُ وقَد
فقدتُهُ وشديدٌ فقدُ ما أُلِفَا
23. And unsurprising from you is affection for
The likes of me, even if he once strayed and slipped,
٢٣. وغيرُ مُستنكَرٍ منكَ الحُنُوُّ علَى
مثِلي ولو زَاغَ يوماً ضَلّةً وهَفَا
24. So return to the best of goodness you've accustomed,
O you who when you give, fulfills, or if he wrongs, makes amends
٢٤. فَعُدْ لأحسَن ما عَوَّدتَ مِن حَسَنٍ
يا مَن إذا جَادَ وفَّى أو أذَمَّ وَفَى
25. And submit to us a third time in height for the two brilliants,
And add if they're lacking and exceed if they're disappointed,
٢٥. واُسلَمْ لنا ثالِثاً للنَّيِّرَينِ عُلاً
وزِدْ إذا نَقصَا واُسرُفْ إذا كُسِفَا
26. Our days with you are celebrations altogether,
So let remain what night has brought and dusk has wrapped.
٢٦. أيّامُنا بك أعيادٌ بأجمعِهَا
فدُم لنا ما دَجَا ليلٌ وما عَكَفَا