1. Alas for the fickle folk, honor is not theirs
They schemed but their minds could not make the schemes materialize
١. ويحَ العواذِل لا خَلاقَ لهُم
وَهِمُوا ولم تَصدُقْهُم الفِكَرُ
2. They talked of a gallant youth with lofty aspirations
Yet in face of peril he seemed of small worth
٢. قَالوا فتىً تسمو به هِمَمٌ
مُستصْغَرٌ في جَنبها الخَطَرُ
3. He does not flinch from what he is bent on
Nor does the firm-rooted male palm bend
٣. لا يَنْثني عمّا يَهِمُّ بِهِ
أو يَنْثَني الصّمصامَةُ الذّكَرُ
4. The world deluded him with its bloom
So he reveled, for delusion is its wont
٤. غرّته دنياهُ بزَهرتها
فَصَبَا ومن عادَاتِهَا الغَرَرُ
5. It showed him the rising sun, radiant
Dazzling, before which sight is dimmed
٥. فأرَتهُ مثلَ الشمسِ طالِعةً
غرّاءَ يعشَى دُونَها البَصرُ
6. And it seemed to him a vision of utmost beauty
As the moon appears to the watcher's eye
٦. وبدَتْ له عُطُلاً كأحسنِ ما
يَبدُو لعينِ المُدلِجِ القَمرُ
7. Until when love halted him, perplexed
Neither progressing nor turning back
٧. حتى إذا ما الحُبُّ أوقَفَهُ
حَيرانَ لا وِردٌ ولا صَدَرُ
8. It promised him union's delight
If he attained his goal, but triumph is fickle
٨. ضَمِنَتْ له من وَصلِهَا عِدَةً
إن نَالَها فَلْيَهنِهِ الظَّفَرُ
9. Or that would be the cause of his doom
For the blood of youth like him is cheap
٩. أو كان ذَاك لِحَتْفِه سبَباً
فَدَمُ الفَتَى في مِثلَها هَدَرُ