
I have a friend to whom I confide my secrets

لي صديق أفضي إليه بسري

1. I have a friend to whom I confide my secrets
The innermost thoughts of my heart and mind

١. لي صديقٌ أُفضِي إليهِ بسرّي
وخبَايا صَدري ومكنونِ قَلبي

2. I see no veil for my mysteries but him
In my whispers to him and writings confined

٢. لا أرى دَونَه لسِرّيَ سِتراً
في مُناجاتِهِ ومضمونِ كُتبي

3. If my scroll were to come to me during life
I would say take it and see my sins inside

٣. لو أَتَتْنِي صحيفَتِي في حَياتِي
قلتُ خُذها فانظرْ قبائِح ذَنبِي

4. And if a book came to him, he would fold it
Tossing aside my rebukes from his eyes

٤. وهْو إن جاءَه كتابٌ طَواهُ
وطواهُ عَنّي اطِّراحاً لِعَتْبي

5. I see his books have no mention of my faults
No insults or deficiencies described

٥. وأرَى أنَّ كُتْبَه لَيس فيها
غيرُ سَبّي وغَيرُ نَقصِي وثَلبِي

6. So for this I've excused him, and by my life
My excuse is painful as a vicious strike

٦. فلهذا عذرْتُه ولَعَمْري
إنّ عذري لمؤلِمٌ مثلُ ضَربي