1. Travel away from their lands, for she became weary of them,
Jesus is shabby, well-equipped and docile,
١. سِرْ عَن بلادِهِمُ فقد سَئِمَتْ بها
عيسي مُحُولَ مُعرَّسي ومُناخي
2. Leave fantasies alone, for they are deceptive,
And their promises to the ambitious are delusions,
٢. ودَعِ الأماني إنّها غَرّارةٌ
ووعودُها للطّامعينَ أَواخي
3. She has nothing for those who come to her but mirages,
Except hopes, with missed deadlines, deferred.
٣. ما عِندَها للوارِدين سَرَابَها
غيرُ المِطالِ بمَوعِدٍ مُتراخي