
The askers come to me continuously, and I

توالى إلي السائلون وإنني

1. The askers come to me continuously, and I
Do not like that asking reaches the asker.

١. تَوالى إليَّ السّائلونَ وإنَّني
لآنفُ ألا يُدرِكَ السُّؤْلَ سائِلي

2. But my poverty is like their obvious state,
So what can I do, when fortune is the war of virtues?

٢. ولكنَّ مَستوري كظاهِرِ حالِهِم
فما حيلتي والحظُّ حربُ الفضائلِ

3. If the hands of events were to extend from my hands,
They would meet them before asking with my palms.

٣. ولو بَسطَتْ أيدي الحوادِثِ مِن يدي
تلقتْهُمُ قبلَ السُّؤال بِنائِلي

4. Why should I submit in the world to those whom
What is in their hands is not my sustenance or my term?

٤. علَامَ أخضعُ في الدُّنيا لِمَن رَفَعَتْ
وما بأيديهِمُ رِزْقي ولا أجَلي

5. What Allah has ordained, I cannot avert it,
And they have no work in addition to what is ordained.

٥. ما قَدَّر اللهُ لا أسطيعُ أدفَعهُ
وما لَهم في سوى المَقدورِ من عَمَلِ