
This is the book of a young man whose determination took him far from home

هذا كتاب فتى أحلته النوى

1. This is the book of a young man whose determination took him far from home
And in it grew his new homelands

١. هَذَا كتابُ فتىً أَحَلَّتهُ النَّوَى
أَوطَانَهَا ونَبَتْ بهِ أوطَانُهُ

2. It tells of how he parted from his beloved homeland
And how he was separated from the hands of his dear brothers

٢. شَطَّتْ به عمّن يُحبُّ دِيارُهُ
وتفرّقتْ أيدِي سَبَا إِخوانُهُ

3. With sighs coming continuously from his breast
A heart that reveals its secrets in its throbbing

٣. مُتَتَابعِ الزّفَرات بَين ضُلوعِه
قَلبٌ يبوحُ بسرِّهِ خَفقَانُهُ

4. His worries come to him with the darkness
And his sorrows keep him from sleep

٤. تأوِي إليه معَ الظّلامِ همُومُه
وتَذودُهُ عن نَومهِ أَشجَانُهُ

5. His steeds are accustomed to battling heroes
And the continuance of travel does not weary them

٥. ألِفَتْ مُقَارَعَةَ الكُمَاةِ جِيادُهُ
وسُرى الهَواجِرِ لا يَنِي ذَمَلاَنُهُ

6. For two days make up his whole life
Either traveling or a day of war with its fires burning

٦. يومَانِ أجمَعُ دهرِهِ إِمّا سُرىً
أو يَومُ حَربٍ تَلتَظي نِيرانُهُ

7. But he does not flinch from disasters
He fears not the attacks of enemies nor cares for their threats

٧. لكنَّه لا يستكينُ لحَادِثٍِ
خَوفَ الحِمَامِ ولا يُرَاعُ جَنَانُهُ