
Even though I yearn for an ascetic's affection

حتام أرغب في مودة زاهد

1. Even though I yearn for an ascetic's affection
And seek closeness to his abode though far removed,

١. حَتَّامَ أرغبُ في مودَّةِ زاهدٍ
وأرُومُ قُربَ الدّارِ من مُتَباعِدِ

2. Why must I keep faith with one who's left?
Why must I accept rebuke from an ungrateful soul?

٢. وإلاَمَ ألتزمُ الوفاءَ لِغادرٍ
وأُقِرُّ بالعُتبي لِجَانٍ جَاحِدِ

3. Why occupy my thoughts with one asleep,
While I remain awake with eyes that weep?

٣. وعلاَمَ أُعمِلُ فِكرتي في سادِرٍ
سَاهٍ وأُسهِرُ مُقلتيَّ لراقدِ

4. Why school myself to please a criminal?
Whose love the seeker of affection spurned,

٤. وأروضُ نفسي في رِضَا مُتَجرِّمٍ
فَاتَتْ مودّتُه طِلاَبَ الناشدِ

5. And say his shunning comes from fear of slander,
That lures but warns us of an envier's spite,

٥. وأقولُ هجِرتُه مخافَة كاشحٍ
يُغري بِنَا وحِذَارَ واشٍ حاسِدِ

6. I think his coldness comes of necessity,
As if estrangement were his conscious plight.

٦. وأظُنُّه يُبدي الصدودَ ضرورةً
وإذا قطيعَتُه قطيعةُ عَامِدِ

7. Who can obtain sincere affection
That the critic's test cannot expose?

٧. مَن لي بِنَيْلِ مودّةٍ مَمْذُوقَةٍ
منهُ يُبَهْرجُها اختبارُ النّاقِدِ

8. I'll settle for its falsehood and be content
With hopes it feeds though they're not true.

٨. أَرضى بباطِلها وأقْنَعُ بالمُنَى
منها وأدْفَعُ غَيبَها بالشّاهِدِ

9. O you whose absence wore away my patience
And stripped my cloak of strength and fortitude!

٩. يا ظالماً أفْنَى اصْطِبَارِي هجرُه
وابتَزَّ ثَوبَ تَماسُكِي وتَجالُدِي

10. What path is there to union after you
Have barred the roads that led to my pursuit?

١٠. كيف السبيلُ إلى وِصَالِكَ بعدما
عفّيتَ بالهِجرانِ سُبلَ مَقاصدي

11. Yet fools blame me for bearing your injustice,
Whose hearts are chilled towards my agony.

١١. ويلومُني في حملِ ظُلمكَ جاهلٌ
يلقَى جَوَى قلبي بقلبٍ باردِ

12. They ridicule my sorrow with blessed calm,
And block my tears with stony eyes that freeze.

١٢. يُزرِي عل جَزَعي بصبرٍ مُسعدٍ
ويصُدُّ عن دَمعي بطرفٍ جَامدِ

13. Why can you not be softened by a glance
Whose fires your desertion lit ablaze?

١٣. لِمَ لا تَرِقُّ لناظرٍ أرَّقْتَه
وحَشا حشاهُ الوجدُ جَذْوةَ واقِدِ

14. And by a soul whom passion's ghosts dismay
With wounded heart and ears that disobey?

١٤. ومروَّعٍ يلقَى العواذلَ في الهَوى
بفؤادِ مَوتُورٍ وسمعِ مُعانِدِ

15. Who tosses sleepless as if lions clawed
Beneath his pillow with their dreadful jaws.

١٥. قَلقِ الوِساد كأنّ تحتَ مِهادِه
أُسداً ومَضجَعَهُ نيُوبُ أَساوِدِ

16. Does reproach affect you? Rarely does rebuke
Turn back the will of one whose heart's astray.

١٦. أَتُراكَ يَعطِفُك العِتابُ وقلّما
يَثني العِتَابُ عِنانَ قلبٍ شَاردِ

17. Hope of your union at day's fading edge
Is farther than the stars that light night's shade.

١٧. هيهاتَ وصلُكَ عند عَنْقَا مُغْرِبٍ
ورِضَاكَ أبعدُ من سُهاً وفَراقِدِ

18. To seek true love from one whose heart is rot
Is weary toil that naught can ever sway.

١٨. ومِنِ العنَاءِ طِلابُ وُدٍّ صادقٍ
من مَاذِقٍ وصلاحُ قلبٍ فاسدِ