
Glowing, do I see a full moon rising or the bright smile of a crescent moon?

محيا ما أرى أم بدر دجن

1. Glowing, do I see a full moon rising or the bright smile of a crescent moon?
Lips or a ruby or ripe fruit,

١. مُحيّاً ما أَرَى أَم بَدرُ دَجنِ
وَبارِقُ مَبسمٍ أَم بَرقُ مُزنِ

2. Saliva or honey of a bashful maiden?
A glance or white pearls strung

٢. وثَغرٌ أَم لآلٍ أَم أَقاحٍ
وَريقٌ أَم رِحيقٌ بِنتُ دَنِّ

3. Upon a dark twig grown in the sand.
Where are the gazes of a doe beside the double-glancing eyes

٣. وَلَحظٌ أَم سِنانٌ ركَّبُوهُ
بأَسمَرَ مِن نَباتِ الخَطِّ لَدنِ

4. That turn me from my firmness with their glancing to and fro?
When he is bored of blame, his beauty intercedes for him.

٤. وأَينَ مِنَ الظِّبا أَلحاظُ ظَبيٍ
ثَنانِي عن سُلُوِّي بالتّثَنِّي

5. So O you who my heart is aflame for and my eyes are in the gardens of Eden for,
Your love from me is pure affection, aloof from flirtation and coy glances.

٥. إِذا جاءَ الملالُ لَهُ بِجُرمٍ
مَحاهُ وَجهُهُ بِشَفيعِ حُسنِ

6. And none before you has possessed my love
Nor would my soul allow itself to be possessed by coquetry.

٦. فيا مَن مِنهُ قَلبي في سَعيرٍ
وَعَيني مِنهُ فِي جنّاتِ عَدنِ

7. When you enchanted me and possessed my heart,
You made my privacy as public as a highway.

٧. حَباكَ هَوايَ منِّي مَحضَ وُدٍّ
تَنَزَّهَ عن مُداجَاةٍ وضِغنِ

8. So why, before my love clings to my heart
And before my pledge is locked within you,

٨. وقَبْلَكَ ما تَملَّكَهُ حَبيبٌ
وَلا سَمَحَتْ بهِ نَفْسِي لِخِدْنِ

9. Do my concerns weary me into weakness
And make every limb of mine weak?

٩. أَحينَ خَلَبتَني ومَلَكتَ قلبي
قَلبتَ لخُلَّتي ظَهرَ المِجَنِّ

10. Did not my estrangement from you suffice
And the torment my heart feels from being denied your company?

١٠. فَهَلاّ قَبلَ يَعلَقُ في فُؤادي
هَواكَ وقبلَ يَغلَقُ فيكَ رَهْنِي

11. Whenever I think of spending my life
Wasted in passion for you, I strike my teeth.

١١. تُساوِرُني هُمومِي بعدَ وَهْنٍ
فَترمِي كلَّ جَارِحَةٍ بَوَهْنِ

12. I grieve over how my affection has been broken
And grieve over how my hopes in you were unfulfilled.

١٢. أَلَم يكْفِ العواذلَ مِنكَ هجري
وقلبَكَ ما يُجنُّ مِنَ التّجنّي

13. Most painful of what the nights have brought me
Is which of their horrors did not afflict me?

١٣. إِذا فكَّرتُ في إِنفاقِ عُمري
ضَياعاً في هَواكَ قَرعتُ سِنّي

14. The fickleness of one whose heart is my home
And the aloofness of one whose eyes I've shut mine upon.

١٤. وآسَفُ كيفَ أَخْلَقَ عَهدُ وُدِّي
وآسَى كَيفَ أَخلفَ فيكَ ظَنّي

١٥. وأَوجَعُ ما لَقيتُ مِنَ الليالِي
وأَيُّ فِعالِها بي لم يَسُؤني

١٦. تَقلُّبُ قَلبِ مَن مَثواهُ قَلبِي
وَجفوةُ مَن طَبَقْتُ عَليهِ جَفْنِي