
With ghouls do you dwell, O Bu Thayna, while we dwell with our loved ones,

بالغور أهلك يابثين وأهلنا

1. With ghouls do you dwell, O Bu Thayna, while we dwell with our loved ones,
By El-Abraqayn! Where, oh where can we meet?

١. بِالغَورِ أهلُكِ يابُثَينَ وأهلُنا
بالأبْرَقَينِ فأينَ أينَ المُلْتقى

2. The shrine is far away, else would my phantom pay you a visit,
Fear of the rugged ascent has prevented it.

٢. بَعُدَ المزَارُ فلو سَرى لزيارتِي
طيفُ الخيالِ ثَناهُ هولُ المُرتَقى

3. How often a flash from you has made me glad, but the wish that followed it was unfulfilled.
I thought it was a prelude to union, but how mistaken I was!

٣. كم شِمتُ برقاً منك أخْلَفَ نوْءُه
قبلَ النّوى وظننتُ ظَنّا أخْفَقَا

4. Why then should I grieve over separation, when I know
That it is more compassionate and gentler to hearts than union?

٤. فَعلامَ أجزَعُ للفِراقِ وإنّنِي
لأرَاه أرْأفَ بالقُلوبِ وأرفَقَا