1. Say to that angry one, O oppressor
He is angry that I pray against my oppressors
١. قُولاَ لَذَا الغَضبان يا ظالِماً
يغضَبُ أَن أَدعُو عَلى ظَالِمي
2. I think it is you, if not, why
Do you fear my prayer over all people
٢. أَظنُّه أَنتَ وإِلاّ فَلِمْ
تَخشى دُعائي دُونَ ذَا العَالَمِ
3. O Lord, do not accept from him even if
The prayer of the smitten wanderer is effective
٣. يَا ربِّ لا يُقْبَلْ عليهِ وإِن
جَارَ دُعاءُ المُغرَمِ الهَائِمِ