
Our prince abstains, and the people abstain too

أميرنا زاهد والناس قد زهدوا

1. Our prince abstains, and the people abstain too
For him, so all are withdrawn into obedience

١. أميرُنا زاهدٌ والنّاسُ قد زَهِدُوا
لَه فكلّ على الطّاعاتِ مُنكمِشُ

2. His days are as pure as the fasting month
Free from sins, with hunger and thirst in them

٢. أيّامُه مثلَ شَهر الصّوْمِ طاهرةٌ
من المعَاصِي وفيهَا الجوعُ والعطَشُ