
As is your custom, the doves coo atop their nesting place,

كعهدك بانات الحمى فوق كثبها

1. As is your custom, the doves coo atop their nesting place,
And the abode of passion protects the loved ones, grazing their flock.

١. كعهدِكَ باناتُ الحِمى فوقَ كُثْبِها
ودارُ الهَوى تحمي العِدا سرحَ سِرْبها

2. I say, and the darkness of writing is a veil to its veils,
It watered the remnants of the abode where you reside,

٢. أقولُ وسُمْرُ الخَطِّ حُجْبٌ لحجُبِها
سقى طَلَلَ الدّارِ التي أنتمُ بها

3. Your whispers and the passing of a summer rain and springtime,
In your abode is what remains in me of the affliction of longing and love,

٣. حَناتِمُ وَبْلٍ صَيِّفٌ وربيعُ
بِدارِكِ ما بي من بِلَى الشَّوقِ والهَوى

4. And what remains in it of the desolation of separation and wishing,
I will water its traces with my tears if it is watered,

٤. وبي ما بِها من وحشةِ البينِ والنَّوى
سأُرْوِي ثَراها من دُموعي إنِ ارتَوى

5. And your tents which are in the twisting valleys,
Wear down without being worn down by the winds.

٥. وخَيْماتُكِ اللاتي بمُنعرَج اللِّوَى
بَلِينَ بِلىً لم تُبْلَهُنّ رُبوعُ

6. Oppression does not turn me from the path of submission,
Though I am like a dove among aggressive birds.

٦. وما الجَوْرُ عن نهجِ السُّلُوِّ أَعاجَني
على ذي أَثافٍ كالحَمامِ الدَّواجِنِ

7. But loyalty whose blossom is not yet ripe
And if the slanderers had not provoked me, their provocation would have provoked me.

٧. ولكنْ وفاءٌ وِرْدُهُ غيرُ آجِن
ولو لم يَهِجْني الظّاعنونَ لَهاجَني

8. Doves are leaves in the homeland and their descent,
Calls reminding an intimate friend of passion,

٨. حمائمُ وُرْقٌ في الدّيار وُقوعُ
هَواتِفُ يُذْكِرْنَ الشَجِيَّ أَخا الجَوى

9. The time of closeness before the appearance of determination,
And the good nights at al-Lawwā fragrant with basil,

٩. زمانَ التّداني قبلَ رائعةِ النّوَى
وطيبَ لياليهِ الحميدةِ بالِلّوى

10. Crying out so whoever had passion cried out,
Laments for which no tears were shed.

١٠. تداعَيْنَ فاستَبْكَيْنَ مَنْ كانَ ذا هوىً
نوائحُ لم تُذْرفْ لهنّ دُموعُ

11. Whenever a breeze blows from the side of al-Ḥimā,
I say and my longings increase in their pleading,

١١. إذا ما نسيمٌ هبّ من جانِب الحِمَى
أَقولُ وأَشواقي تَزيدُ تَضَرُّما

12. Perhaps a homeland will come near them and perhaps,
And yet the flow of my tears increases whenever,

١٢. عسى وطنٌ يدنو بِهم ولَعَلَّمَا
وإنَّ انهمالَ الدّمعِ يا ليلُ كلّما

13. I remember you alone while empty, O swift night.
If only a day from you, O night, would return,

١٣. ذكرتُكِ وحدي خالياً لَسَريعُ
ولَوْ عادَ يومٌ منكِ يا ليلَ قَدْ خَلا

14. In my life or the prime of my youth before it was spent,
And my soul had played the tunes of estrangement and abandonment,

١٤. بِعُمْريَ أو شرخِ الشبيبةِ ما غَلا
وقد عزَفَت نفسي عَن الهَجْرِ والقِلى

15. I will console myself from you as it consoled
From the distant, frightening land, a fleeing beast.

١٥. وسوفَ أُسلِّي النَّفسَ عنكِ كما سَلا
عن البلدِ النّائِي المخوفِ نَزيعُ

16. Does the critic hope for true devotion from love?
While my heart disobeys when I appease it with sorrow,

١٦. أَيَرْجو ليَ اللاّحي من الحبِّ مَخْلَصَاً
وقَلبي إذا ما رُضْتُهُ بِالأُسى عَصَى

17. And if what was in me were pebbles, the pebbles would be scattered,
To God I complain of an intention that split the stick,

١٧. وَلَوْ أَنَّ ما بي بالحَصى فُلِقَ الحَصى
إلى اللهِ أشكو نِيّةً شَقّت العَصا

18. It is today diverse and yesterday altogether.

١٨. هيَ اليومَ شَتّى وهيَ أَمْسِ جَميعُ
أطاعَتْ بنا لَيلى افتراءَ التَكذُّبِ

19. Laila obeyed the lie of slander,
And avoiding sympathy is not like avoiding censure,

١٩. وصَدُّ التّجَنّي غيرُ صَدِّ التّعَتُّبِ
فَيا لَكَ من دَهرٍ كثيرِ التّقَلُّبِ

20. So what a time of much upheaval!
An era has passed and people seek intercession through me,

٢٠. مَضى زمنٌ والناسُ يَسْتَشْفِعونَ بي
فَهَل لي الى لَيْلى الغَداةَ شَفيعُ

21. So do I have, in the morning, an intercessor to Laila?
Will she not show a glimpse of kindness from her lofty fangs

٢١. أَلا نَغْبَةٌ من بَرْدِ أَنْيابَها العُلى
وردُّ زمانٍ كالأَهِلَّةِ يُجْتَلى

22. And the return of a time like the crescent that disappears?
For your life, weakened are the kidneys from what they say,

٢٢. فَقولا لَها جادَتْكِ واهيةُ الكُلى
أراجِعةٌ يا ليلُ أيامُنَا الأُلى

23. Wanting, O night, the return of our ancient days,
To the abandoned abode, is there a return?

٢٣. بِذي الرّمْثِ أمْ لا ما لَهُنّ رُجوعُ
أعاذِلَتي مالي هُديتِ وَمَالَكَ

24. My reproacher, I have no gift for you and no wealth,
I was saddened that I thought of you,

٢٤. لَقَدْ ساءَني أَني خَطَرْتُ ببالِكِ
ذريني فَلَوْمي ضّلّةٌ من ضَلالِكِ

25. Leave me be, for my blaming is misguidance from your misguidance,
By your life, I am on a day of bitter poverty,

٢٥. لَعَمْرُكِ إني يومَ جرعاءِ مالكٍ
لَعاصٍ لأمرِ العاذلاتِ مُضيعُ

26. Disobedient to the command of reproachers, a squanderer.
Mention her, make me love her by mentioning her,

٢٦. أَعِدْ ذكرَها أَحْبِبْ إليَّ بذِكرِها
وَدَعْ ذَنْبَها فَالحُبُّ مُبْدٍ لِعُذْرِها

27. And overlook her sin, for love erases excuses,
So I remained in my state, my loyalty and her betrayal,

٢٧. فَما زِلْتُ في حالَيْ وفائي وغَدْرِها
إذا أَمَرَتْني العاذلاتُ بهجرِها

28. When the reproachers commanded me to shun her,
A liver wandered from what they say, exhausted.

٢٨. هَفَتْ كَبِدٌ عمّا يَقُلْنَ صَديعُ
يَزيدُ هوى ليلى رضاها وعُتْبُها

29. Laila's acceptance and reproach increases my passion,
And the nearness of her intention if she refuses and her closeness,

٢٩. وبُعدُ نَواها إِن تناءَتْ وقُرْبُها
ولَمْ يَنْهَني صِدقُ اللَّواحي وكذْبُها

30. Nor did the truthfulness of messages and their lies dissuade me,
And how can I obey the reproachers and their love

٣٠. وكيفَ أطيعُ العاذلاتِ وحُبُّها
يُؤرِّقُني والعاذلاتُ هُجوعُ