
My soul is ransom for the one who reproaches me

نفسي الفداء لمن يعاتبني

1. My soul is ransom for the one who reproaches me
And my mouth kisses his

١. نَفْسِي الفداءُ لِمن يُعاتِبُني
وفَمِي عَلى فَمِهِ يُقبِّلُهُ

2. He wants to explain his argument
But the kiss hurries and embarrasses him

٢. ويُريدُ يُوضِحُ وجهَ حُجَّتِهِ
واللّثمُ يُعجِلُهُ ويُخجِلُهُ

3. Until when I have made him stumble, he covers
What was between us, his fingers

٣. حتّى إذا أضْجرْتُه ستَرَتْ
ما بَين فيّ وفِيه أُنْمُلُهُ

4. And he returns apologizing, to distract me
From him with an excuse I do not accept

٤. ويعودُ معتذراً ليشْغَلَني
عنهُ بعذرٍ لستُ أقبلُهُ