
You ask me what I have breathed of air fragrant with meadow flowers

تسائلني عما تنفست ويحها

1. You ask me what I have breathed of air fragrant with meadow flowers,
And, Saad, concerning what you ask, I am well informed.

١. تُسائِلُني عَمّا تَنَفَّستُ وَيحَها
سُعادُ وَعَمّا تَسأَلي أَنا خابِرُ

2. My friend realized where our homes have gone,
And where, for us, among the family of Murrah, is a helper.

٢. تَبَيَّن خَليلي أَينَ صارَت دِيارُنا
وَأَينَ لَنا مِن آلِ مُرَّةَ ناصِرُ

3. So the broken bone may be bound to heal and be made straight,
And after a man dies, O Saad, an avenger may be born.

٣. فَقَد يُجبَرُ العَظمُ الكَسِيرُ فَيَستَوي
وَيُولَدُ بَعدَ المَرءِ يا سَعدُ ثائِرُ