
The young girls blamed me in black attire,

بكر العواذل بالسواد يلمنني

1. The young girls blamed me in black attire,
Ignorantly saying, "Do you not see what you do?

١. بَكَرَ العَواذِلُ بِالسَوادِ يَلُمنَني
جَهلاً يَقُلنَ أَلا تَرى ما تَصنَعُ

2. You have wasted your wealth in frivolity, yet
The matter of frivolity is what has wholly led you astray."

٢. أَفنَيتَ مالَكَ في السَفاهِ وَإِنَّما
أَمرُ السَفاهَةِ ما أَمَرنَكَ أَجمَعُ

3. I set up a howdah on a barren hill,
And birds swarmed the open plains.

٣. وَقُتودِ ناجِيَةٍ وَضَعتُ بِقَفرَةٍ
وَالطَيرُ غاشِيَةُ العَوافي وَقَّعُ

4. With a polished sword I stripped
One who makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.

٤. بِمُهَنَّدٍ ذي حِليَةٍ جَرَّدتُهُ
يَبري الأَصَمَّ مِنَ العِظامِ وَيَقطَعُ

5. So that a successor may take a turn and thus learn
That I am one who is fooled by praise and so deceived.

٥. لِتَنوبَ نائِبَةٌ فَتَعلَمَ أَنَّني
مِمَّن يُغَرُّ عَلى الثَناءِ فَيُخدَعُ

6. Indeed, I apportion what I possess, thus making
A reward for the hereafter, and a world that benefits.

٦. إِنّي مُقَسِّمُ ما مَلَكتُ فَجاعِلٌ
أَجراً لِآخِرَةٍ وَدُنيا تَنفَعُ