
Your eyes with tears - like clouds - harmonize

أبصر طريقك..

1. Your eyes with tears - like clouds - harmonize
And the fire of your passion in the entrails kindles

١. عَيْنَاكَ بالدَّمْعِ –مِثْلَ المُزْنِ تَنْسَجِمُ
وَنَارُ شَوْقِكَ في الأحشَاءِ تَضْطَرِمُ

2. So will the tears of the eyes extinguish the fire of sorrow
As grief with blood extinguished the deceased?

٢. فَهَلْ سُيُطْفِئُ دَمْعُ العيْنِ نَارَ حشاً
كَمَا طَفَتْ لَوعَةً بالتُّربَةِ الديَمُ؟

3. It extinguished and revived the dead after prolonged sorrow
So will dreams with your tears - like it - revive?

٣. أطْفَتْ فَأَحْيَتْ مَواتاً بَعْدَ طُولِ ضنَى
فَهَلْ بِدَمْعِكَ يَحْيَى –مِثْلَهَا الحُلُمُ؟

4. And will it bring closer horizons it aspires to
Or will it bring back the one whom death has embraced?

٤. وَهَلْ يُقَرِّبُ آفَاقاً تحَاوِلُهَا
أَمْ هَلْ يَرُدُّ فقِيداً ضَمَّهُ العَدَمُ؟

5. Yes, it brings back to us a trace of his specter
And sorrow evokes dreams from its sufferings

٥. نَعَمْ، يَرُدُّ لنَا مِنْ طَيْفِهِ أَثَراً
ويَبْعَثُ الحُلْمَ مِنْ طيَّاتِهِ الأَلَمُ

6. We cry to extinguish a fire that blazed in the entrails
And how can we express when speech is constrained?

٦. نَبْكِي لِنُطْفِئَ نَاراً في الحشا اتَّقَدَتْ
وكَيْ نُبِينَ بِهَا إِنْ أُحْصِرَ الكَلِمُ

7. And in tears is an expression that cannot be matched
By the tongue's speech or what the pen depicts

٧. وَفِي الدُّمُوعِ بَيَانٌ لا يَقُومُ بهِ
لَفْظُ اللِّسَانِ ولا مَا يَرْسُمُ القَلَمُ

8. What did this age see in you when it transgressed
Against you unlike all other people out of vengeance?

٨. مَاذَا رَأَى فِيك هذا الدَّهْرُ حينَ عَدَا
عَلَيْك مِنْ دونِ كلِّ النَّاسِ يَنْتَقِمُ

9. Did it see you too proud to submit to it
And its greed could not make you grovel?

٩. أَ أَنْ رَآك أَبِيًّا ما خضَعْتَ له
ولاَ استَزَلَّكُمُ عَنْ شَحْمه الوَرَمُ؟

10. You did not bow to the unjust pleading
That they may have mercy on you.. Nor sought their kindness

١٠. وَلا انْحَنَيْتَ لأَهْلِ الظُّلْمِ مُعْتَذِراً
كَيْ يَرْحَمُوكَ.. ولاَ اسْتَجْدَيْتَ عَطْفَهُمُ

11. No whip from its hand fell on you
Except it saw you smiling whenever it intensified

١١. وَلَا أَكَبَّ عَلَيْكَ السَّوْطُ مِنْ يَدِهِ
إلاَّ رَآكَ متَى مَا اشْتَدَّ تَبْتَسِمُ

12. While the oppressed and dispossessed people around you
Take refuge in silence from the whip and hold fast

١٢. وَحَوْلَكَ النَّاسُ مَظْلُومٌ وَمُغْتَصَبٌ
يَلُوذُ بالصَّمْتِ مِنْ سَوْطٍ وَيَعْتَصِمُ

13. Saying: I am helpless.. and all the people
Are like me.. weak and my sword has rusted

١٣. يَقُولُ: لاَ حَوْلَ لي.. والنَّاسُ كلُّهُمُ
مثلي.. ضِعَافٌ وسَيْفي فَلَّهُ القِدَمُ

14. We live on the periphery of life so we are in it
The most humiliated group that walks in it

١٤. نعيشُ في هَامِشِ الدنيا فَنَحْنُ بها
أَذَلُّ طائفةٍ تَسْعى بها قَدَمُ

15. The course of all creation is towards progress except
My people.. their course is backwards

١٥. كلُّ الوَرَى سَيْرُهُمْ نحوَ الأَمَامِ سِوَى
قومي فَضَلُّواْ.. فَنَحْوَ الخلفِ سَيْرُهُمُ

16. Earth and history cried: Woe to them!
Had they had faith in God they would not have been defeated

١٦. صاحتْ بِهِ الأرضُ والتاريخُ: وَيْحَهُمُ
لَوْ كَانَ باللهِ هذا الحَوْلُ مَا انهزموا

17. The tongue went astray, tears went astray, and
Your pens today fell .. As did the wise sayings

١٧. ضَلَّ اللِّسَانُ وضَلَّ الدمعُ وانْتَكَسَتْ
أقلامُكَ اليومَ.. والأمثالُ الحِكَمُ

18. All languages are helpless before silence
In expressing.. So their existence equals nothingness

١٨. كُلُّ اللغاتِ أمامَ الصَّمْتِ عَاجِزَةٌ
عَنِ البَيَانِ.. فسَاوَى كَوْنَهَا العَدَمُ

19. The most eloquent of people is the mute
And the wisest of people is the deaf

١٩. فَأَفْصَحُ النَّاسِ طُرّاً مَنْ بِهِ خَرَسٌ
وأَكْمَلُ النَّاسِ عقلاً مَنْ بِهِ صَمَمُ

20. What is the use of my brother's logic
When both Arab and non Arab are equal in speechlessness and confusion?

٢٠. وَمَا انْتِفَاعُ أَخِي الدُّنْيَا بِمَنْطِقِهِ
إذَا اسْتَوَى العُرْبُ في ذا العِيِّ والعَجَمُ

21. The inarticulate became the master of eloquence.. if
He said a word so all the world's people are silent

٢١. أَضْحَى العَيِيُّ إِمَاماً في البَيَانِ.. إذَا
مَا قَالَ قَوْلاً فَكُلُّ العَالَمِينَ فَمُ

22. When he spoke, people contended
Interpreting, confused by it, and arguing

٢٢. إذَا تَكَلَّمَ جَارَى النَّاسُ بَعْضَهُمُ
مُؤَوِّلِينَ وَحَارُوا فِيهِ وَاخْتَصَمُوا

23. While the true poet - no ear pays heed to him
A burden.. And he has no kin among people

٢٣. والشاعرُ الحقُّ لاَ تُلْقِي لَهُ أُذُنٌ
بَالاً.. وَلَيْسَ لهُ بَيْنَ الوَرَى رَحِمُ

24. He walks lonely, shunned, with no helper
Except rhyme, prolixity, and saltiness

٢٤. يَمْشِي غَرِيباً طَريداً لَيْسَ نَاصِرَهُ
إلاَّ القَوَافي وإِلاَّ السَّهْلُ والعَلَمُ

25. And the fake poet is smug in his fame
Surrounded by companions, servants, and protectors

٢٥. وَمُدَّعِي الشِّعْرِ مَزْهُوٌّ بِشُهْرَتِه
قَدْ حَفَّهُ الصَّحْبُ والخُدَّامُ والحشَمُ

26. If poetry had rule over them, they would be equal
When rogues are equal in honor and vileness

٢٦. لَوْ كَانَ لِلشِّعْرِ حُكْمٌ فِيهِمَا اسْتَوَيَا
إذَا البُزَاةُ اسْتَوَتْ في العِزِّ والرَّخَمُ

27. How many free women were taken captive from their noble homes
But the freeman is free even if the slaves betray him

٢٧. قَدْ يُنْزِلُ الشِّعْرَ قَوْمٌ غَيْرَ مَنْزِلِهِ
وَيْرَتَدِي تَاجَهُ مَنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُمُ

28. Poetry is poetry even if his nation abandons it
The inarticulate is inarticulate even if nations follow him

٢٨. ويَدَّعِي وَصْلَهُ قَومٌ بِلاَ نَسَبٍ
إلى البيانِ.. فَيَرْضَى النَّاسُ قَوْلَهُمُ

29. They gave poetry other than its rightful place
And its crown was worn by those who were not worthy of it

٢٩. كمْ حُرَّةٍ سُبِيَتْ من بَيْتِ عِزَّتِهَا
والحُرُّ حُرٌّ وإنْ يَغْدِرْ بِهِ الخَدَمُ

30. And people unrelated to eloquence claimed connection to it
So people accepted their words

٣٠. والشِّعْرُ شِعْرٌ وإنْ جَافَتْهُ أُمَّتُهُ
وَالعِيُّ عِيٌّ وإنْ دَانَتْ بِهِ الأُمَمُ

31. How many free women were taken from their homes of honor?
The free person remains free even if slaves turn on him

٣١. يَا سَيِّدَ الشِّعْرِ لاَ تَحْزَنْ.. إذَا انْصَرَفَتْ
عَنْكَ القُلُوبُ إلى مَنْ نَظْمُهُ شَبِمُ

32. Poetry remains poetry even if abandoned by its people
The inarticulate remains inarticulate even if nations follow him

٣٢. هَذَا الزمانُ كَأَهْلِيهِ أَخُو مَرَضٍ
هَلْ يُبْصِرُ الحَقَّ مَنْ في قَلْبِهِ سَقَمُ؟

33. My master of poetry, do not grieve.. If hearts turn
Away from you to those whose prosody is flawed

٣٣. وَمَنْ يَكُ السُّقْمُ في فِيهِ فَمَطْعَمُهُ
مُرٌّ.. وَإِنْ تَحْلُ في في غَيْرِهِ اللُّقَمُ

34. This age and its people are brothers of sickness
Can one whose heart is diseased discern truth?

٣٤. أَبْدِعْ قَصِيدَكَ لاَ يُحْزِنْكَ إنْ نَفِرُوا
قَدْ يُنْفِرُ النَّاسَ مِمَّا قُلْتَ جَهْلُهُمُ

35. And for one in whom sickness resides, his food
Is bitter.. Even if morsels are sweet for others

٣٥. واكْتُبْ لِجِيلٍ سَيَأْتي.. بَعْدَ مَوْتِهِمُ
يَحْدُو بِه النَّاسُ نحوَ الشِّعْرِ عِيسَهُمُ

36. Create your ode - do not grieve if they are repulsed
Their ignorance may repulse people from what you say

٣٦. لاَ يَحْكُمُ الناسَ فيهِ غَيْرُ عَقْلِهِمُ
ولاَ تعَلَّقُ في غيرِ العُلاَ الهِمَمُ

37. And write for a generation to come.. after their death
When people crave poetry like their craving for Jesus

٣٧. فَاكْتُبْ لِذَاكَ وَدَعْ لِلنَّاسِ عَصْرَهُمُ
وَاقْنَعْ.. فَكُلُّ شَهيرٍ فيهِ مُتَّهَمُ

38. Where people are ruled by nothing but their reason
And nothing preoccupies them but high ambitions

٣٨. وَدَعْ دَعِيًّا عَوَى فَالحُرُّ مُمْتَحَنٌ
والعبدُ مِنْ رَبِّهِ بالحقدِ يَنْتَقِمُ

39. So write for that one and leave people their time
And be content.. Every famous one in it is suspect

٣٩. كُلُّ الوَرَى يَنْشُدُونَ الخُلْدَ مُذْ وُجِدُواْ
وَيَصْطَفِي الخُلْدُ أمْضَاهُمْ إذَا عَزَمُواْ

40. And leave one hostile howling for the free are tested
And the slave avenges his master with hatred

٤٠. فَاخْتَرْ طَرِيقَكَ.. دربُ الحزْمِ يَسْلُكُهُ
نَاسٌ قَلِيلٌ.. ودَرْبُ الوَهْمِ مُزْدَحِمُ