1. No harm in feeding you, though I find it distasteful,
When at home I have stores of grain piled up.
١. لا دَرَّ دَرِّيَ إِن أَطعَمتُ نازِلَكُم
قِرفَ الحَتِيِّ وَعِندي البُرُّ مَكنوزُ
2. Had one who was starving and on the verge of death
Come to me, from a wretched life debarred from good,
٢. لَو أَنَّهُ جاءَني جَوعانُ مُهتَلِكٌ
مِن بُؤَّسِ الناسِ عَنهُ الخَيرُ مَحجوزُ
3. He would have found me niggardly and stinting,
Urging my mount by night towards the highlands,
٣. أَعيا وَقَصَّرَ لَمّا فاتَهُ نِعَمٌ
يُبادِرُ اللَيلَ بِالعَلياءِ مَحفوزُ
4. Until the night patrol and gloom enfolded us
And the brushwood tore my feet and legs to shreds.
٤. حَتّى يَجىءَ وَجِنُّ اللَيلِ يوغِلُهُ
وَالشَوكُ في وَضَحِ الرِجلَينِ مَركوزُ
5. Thorns have come between me and my camp site,
A shuddering lion with legs splayed to rip the ground.
٥. قَد حالَ دونَ دَريسَيهِ مُؤَوِّبَةٌ
نِسعٌ لَه بِعَضاهُ الأَرضِ تَهزيزُ
6. Between my beard and temples, from the bitterness of hunger,
Is a long-drawn wheeze and rasping hiss.
٦. كَأَنَّما بَينَ لَحيَيهِ وَلَبَّتِهِ
مِن جُلبَةِ الجوعِ جَيّارٌ وَإَرزيزُ
7. He has the same exhaustion as Hajjaj and his brothers
From our exertions, unless for him some indulgence and sweetmeats.
٧. لَباتَ أُسوَةَ حَجّاجٍ وَإِخوَتِهِ
في جَهدِنا أَو لَهُ شَفٌّ وَتَمزيزُ
8. Would that my share of victuals from both of you
Were enough to keep my greed away from you!
٨. يا لَيتَهُ كانَ حَظّي مِن طَعامِكُما
أَنّي أَجَنَّ سَوادي عَنكُما الجيزُ
9. Truly, no man will gainsay you,
As though it showed white against the skin, the brand.
٩. إِنَّ الهَوانَ فَلا يَكذِبكُما أَحَدٌ
كَأَنَّهُ في بَياضِ الجِلدِ تَحزيزُ
10. Would I knew why man's dreams raise him to hope
When man has no security at all in life.
١٠. يا لَيتَ شِعري وَهَمُّ المَرءِ يُنصِبُهُ
وَالمَرءُ لَيسَ لَهُ في العَيشِ تَحريزُ
11. Shall I ever reward you for your loan
When a loan is requited by a loan agreed beforehand?
١١. هَل أَجزِيَنَّكُما يَوماً بِقَرضِكُما
وَالقَرضُ بِالقَرضِ مَجزِيٌّ وَمَجلوزُ