1. Do you know the abode by the evening star
Like a tattoo on the wrist, never beautiful
١. هَل تَعرِفُ المَنزِلَ بِالأَهيَلِ
كَالوَشمِ في المِعصَمِ لَم يَجمُلِ
2. A wild animal cleaned by the blowing wind
And summer only ruined the abode
٢. وَحشاً تُعَفّيهِ سَوافي الصَبا
وَالصَيفُ إِلّا دَمَنَ المَنزِلِ
3. Or an arbor whose bottom exhales
A perfume with the palms of a swift camel ladling
٣. أَو شَنَّةٍ يَنفَحُ مِن قَعرِها
عَطٌّ بِكَفَّي عَجِلٍ مُنهِلِ
4. Taking care of choice camels, among them a milker
With smooth neck being fed and another obstinate
٤. تَعنو بِمَخروتٍ لَهُ ناضِحٌ
ذو رَيِّقٍ يَغذو وَذو شَلشَلِ
5. That is your religion when you avoided
Their burdens like an untamed young camel
٥. ذلِكَ ما دينُكَ إِذ جُنِّبَت
أَحمالُها كَالبُكُرِ المُبتِلِ
6. A caravan over which are canopies
And a black-eyed slave girl like the blackest kohl
٦. عيرٌ عَلَيهِنَّ كِنانِيَّةٌ
جارِيَةٌ كَالرَشَإِ الأَكحَلِ
7. Like the defective camel with neck strap or a tender
Calf under a reddish saddle cloth
٧. كَالأَيمِ ذي الطُرَّةِ أَو ناشىءِ ال
بَردِيِّ تَحتَ الحَفَإِ المُغيِلِ
8. Turning away from a consistent darkness
In its everlasting horizon that was never folded
٨. تَنكَلُّ عَن مُتِّسِقٍ ظَلمُهُ
في ثَغرِهِ الإِثمِدُ لَم يُفلَلِ
9. Secret places like ar-Risha when
The morning rain has illuminated it
٩. غُرِّ الثَنايا كَالأَقاحي إِذا
نَوَّرَ صُبحَ المَطَرِ المُنجَلي
10. Did the night excite you like an exciting night upon
Asma from the one with patience turning away
١٠. هَل هاجَكَ اللَيلَ كَليلٌ عَلى
أَسماءَ مِن ذي صُبُرٍ مُخيِلِ
11. He created in weakness, it casts for him
The interior of a guitar and a heavy echo
١١. أَنشَأَ في العَيقَةِ يَرمي لَهُ
جوفُ رَبابٍ وَرِهٍ مُثقَلِ
12. So it dodged with its lightning, and thunder
Until the lightning of al-Ajwal
١٢. فَاِلتَطَّ بِالبُرقَةِ شُؤبوبُهُ
وَالرَعدُ حَتّي بُرقَةَ الأَجوَلِ
13. Tattered clouds, their bareness thus not
Possessing rain like that of provisions
١٣. أَسدَفُ مُنشَقٌّ عُراهُ فَذو ال
إِدماثِ ماكانَ كَذى المَوئِلِ
14. It boiled and its bitterness stung the wind, and if
It approached the land it did not include it
١٤. حارَ وَعَقَّت مُزنَهُ الريحُ وَاِن
قارَ بِهِ العَرضُ وَلَم يُشمَلِ
15. Insistently coming first, it casts in front of it
It throws Umm As-Samr the longest
١٥. مُستَبدِرا يَزعَبُ قُدّامَهُ
يَرمي بِعُمِّ السَمُرِ الأَطوَلِ
16. Appearing friendly, so it traded with it
A sequence of an imposing night from it
١٦. ظاهَرَ نَجدا فَتَرامى بِهِ
مِنهُ تَوالي لَيلَةٍ مُطفِلِ
17. For every district obtained by the moon
Murmurs drive it away like peeled wood
١٧. لِلقُمرِ مِن كُلِّ فَلاً نالَهُ
غَمغَمَةٌ يَقزَعنَ كَالحَنظَلِ
18. So the eye remained still upon the followers
If they become steady in the mud
١٨. فَأَصبَحَ العينُ رُكوداً على ال
أَوشازِ أَن يَرسِخنَ في المَوحِلِ
19. Like the white foreheads prominent in color
Extinguished by the descent of the slow camel train
١٩. كَالسُحُلِ البيضِ جَلا لَونَها
سَحُّ نِجاءِ الحَمَلِ الأَسوَلِ
20. Quench the pact of Salma and do not
Let the pact of the fickle maker disconcert you
٢٠. أَروى بِجِنِّ العَهدِ سَلمى وَلا
يُنصِبكَ عَهدُ المَلِقِ الحُوَّلِ
21. Leave off from this intimate if he
Turned away and substituted - so substitute
٢١. دَع عَنكَ ذا الأَلسِ ذَميماً إِذا
أَعرَضَ وَاِستَبدَلَ فَاِستَبدِلِ
22. And divert from love with one followed
By the Creator and did not hurry
٢٢. وَاِسلُ عَنِ الحُبِّ بِمَضلوعَةٍ
تابَعَها الباري وَلَم يَعجَلِ
23. Like an endowment - no tranquility in it - defeat it
With the law like the wide-mouthed jug
٢٣. كَالوَقفِ لا وَقرٌ بِها هَزمُها
بِالشِرعِ كَالخَشرَمِ ذي الأَزمَلِ
24. From a heart of spring and a white basin
Soft - it recalled a weaned camel calf
٢٤. مِن قَلبِ نَبعٍ وَبِمَنحوضَةٍ
بيضٍ وَلَينٍ ذَكَرَ مِقصَلٍ
25. Choice of milk - it has a stroking
Like the stroking of the black designated camel
٢٥. مُنتَخَبُ اللُبِّ لَهُ ضَربَةٌ
خَدباءُ كَالعَطِّ مِنَ الخِذعِلِ
26. The night saddled it with a caravan so its garment
Sought to avoid straightness
٢٦. أَفلَطَها اللَيلُ بِعيرٍ فَتَس
عى ثَوبُها مُجتَنِبُ المَعدِلِ
27. White like the foam that bubbles when
It dissolved in a reverberating boil
٢٧. أَبيَضُ كَالرَجعِ رَسوبٌ إِذا
ما ثاخَ في مُحتَفَلِ يَختَلي
28. That is their finery and equip them when
The courtyard did not prevent them from traveling
٢٨. ذلِكَ بَزّى وَسَليهِم إِذا
ما كَفتَ الحَيشُ عَنِ الأَرجُلِ
29. Shall I make the stab reach the non-stroking
Blow with the consistent separator
٢٩. هَل أُلحِقُ الطَعنَةَ بِالضَربَةِ ال
خَدباءِ بِالمُطَّرِدِ المِقصَلِ
30. Of what I fulfill, and the youth's zeal
For the wolf, the old she-camel, and killing
٣٠. مِمّا أَقَضّى وَمَحارُ الفَتى
لِلضُّبعِ وَالشيبَةِ وَالمَقتَلِ
31. If it touches our settlements with
Some of it while charging and heavily armed
٣١. إِن يُمسِ نَشوانَ بِمَصروفَةٍ
مِنها بِرِىٍّ وَعَلى مِرجَلِ
32. Do not prevent death though stopping it
That is destined for it at the rope
٣٢. لا تَقهِ المَوتَ وَقَيّاتُهُ
خُطَّ لَهُ ذلِكَ في المَحبَلِ
33. No benefit in a dead person while
The end of the rope is attached to him
٣٣. لَيسَ لِمَيتٍ بِوَصيلٍ وَقَد
عُلِّقَ فيهِ طَرَفُ المَوصِلِ
34. It led to ruin when its strength sprouted but did not
Ride when they traveled and did not camp
٣٤. أَودى إِذا اِنبَتَّت قُواهُ فَلَم
يَركَب إِذا ساروا وَلَم يَنزِلِ