1. Does the young man have a refuge from the days of fate?
Or does he have an escape from the dove of death?
١. هَل لِلفَتى مِن بَناتِ الدَّهرِ مِن واقِ
أَم هَل لَهُ مِن حِمَامِ المَوتِ مِن رَاقِ
2. They made me a man though I was not weaned from dishevelment,
And clothed me in garments not my own.
٢. قَد رَجَّلُونِيَ وَما رُجِّلتُ مِن شَعَثٍ
وَأَلبَسُونِي ثِياباً غَيرَ أَخلاقِ
3. They carried me and asked which man is this?
And walked me as though I were a worn rug.
٣. ورَفَعوني وَقالوا أَيُّما رَجُلٍ
وَأَدرَجوني كَأَنِّي طَيُّ مِخراقِ
4. They sent their best young men
To carry my coffin boards in the dust.
٤. وَأَرسَلوا فِتيَةً مِن خَيرِهِم حَسَباً
لِيُسنِدوا في ضَريحِ التُّربِ أَطبَاقي
5. Be easy, do not grieve for me,
Since our wealth is for the heir who remains.
٥. هَوِّن عَلَيكَ وَلا تَولَع بِإِشفاق
فَإِنَّما مالُنا لِلوارِثِ الباقي
6. It is as though fate cast me down from glory
With penetrating arrows without feathers or notches.
٦. كَأَنَّني قَد رَماني الدَّهرُ عَن عُرُض
بِنافِذاتٍ بِلا ريشٍ وَأَفواقِ