1. I was sleepless but my eyes did not betray me, though a year has passed,
And whoever faces what I faced, he must suffer sleeplessness,
١. أَرِقتُ فَلَم تَخدَع بِعَينَيَّ وَسنَةٌ
وَمَن يَلقَ ما لاقَيتُ لا بُدَّ يَأرَقِ
2. Worries besiege me at night like misfortunes besieging the outcast,
I counted the stars from Maqid till a single one separated from the rest,
٢. تَبيتُ الهُمومُ الطَّارِقاتُ يَعُدنَني
كَما تَعتَرِي الأَهوالُ رَأسَ المُطَلَّقِ
3. You see or imagine at the knot of its thread,
Phantoms of beasts dangling from torn skins,
٣. وَناجِيَةٍ عَدَّيتُ مِن عِندِ ماجِد
إِلى واحِدٍ مِن غَيرِ سُخطٍ مُفَرَّقِ
4. As if pebbles at its opening,
Were valleys of soft flour not yet poured,
٤. تَرى أَو تَراءى عِندَ مَعقِدِ غَرْزِها
تَهاويلَ مِن أَجلادِ هِرٍّ مُعَلَّقِ
5. As if the urine splash before its sides,
Were the gown of a bride or blue tattoo,
٥. كَأَنَّ حَصَى المَعزَاءِ عِندَ فُروجِها
نَوَادِي رَحىً رَضَّاخَةٍ لَم تُدَفِّقِ
6. It has shriveled until the links of its opening has joined
The ribs of a three year old calf that did not join before,
٦. كَأَنَّ نَضِيحَ البَولِ مِن قُبْلِ حاذِها
مَلابُ عَروسٍ أَو مَلادِغُ أَزرَقِ
7. It has made my legs by the side of its knot,
A blade like blades of pierced camel skin waterskins,
٧. وَقَد ضَمُرَت حَتَّى التَقى مِن نُسوعِها
عُرى ذِي ثَلاثٍ لَم تَكُن قَبلُ تَلتَقي
8. It lies down in hot weather when cocks crow near it
And spends the night in a place with smooth short plants,
٨. وَقَد تَخِذَت رِجْلِي لَدَى جَنبِ غَرزِها
نَسِيفاً كَأُفحُوصِ القَطاةِ المُطَرَّقِ
9. It lies down bursting, disregarding any rising swell
Even if its genie remains erect and climbs,
٩. أُنِيخَت بِجَوٍّ يَصرُخُ الدِّيكُ عِندَها
وَباتَت بِقَاعٍ كادِئِ النَّبتِ سَملَقِ
10. It goes and returns with its belly dissolved towards you,
O son of Muzn's water and son of Muharreq's,
١٠. تُناخُ طَلِيحاً ما تُراعُ مِنَ الشَّذا
وَلو ظَلَّ في أَوصالِها العَلُّ يَرتَقي
11. You have surpassed the kings of people in glory and piety
And quenched with the morning dew of the handle of power,
١١. تَروحُ وَتَغدو ما يُحَلُّ وَضِينُها
إِلَيكَ اِبنَ ماءِ المُزنِ وَاِبنَ مُحَرِّقِ
12. You are the pillar of religion whatever you lessen is lessened
And whatever falsehood you destroy is destroyed,
١٢. عَلَوتُم مُلوكَ النَّاسِ في المَجدِ وَالتُّقى
وَغَربِ نَدىً مِن عُروَةِ العِزِّ يَستَقي
13. And if they show cowardice you show courage
And if they are miserly you give generously and differentiate,
١٣. وَأَنتَ عَمودُ الدِّينِ مَهما تَقُل يُقَل
وَمَهما تَضَع مِن باطِلٍ لا يُلَحَّقِ
14. How true have you refused the curse that the son of our parted woman has cursed me
Without any crime with my flowing saliva,
١٤. وَإِن يَجبُنُوا تَشجُعْ وَإِن يَبخَلوا تَجُدْ
وَإِن يَخرُقوا بِالأَمرِ تَفصِل وَتَفرُقِ
15. If I am to be eaten then be the best eater,
Otherwise catch me before I am torn,
١٥. أَحَقّاً أَبَيتَ اللَّعنَ أَنَّ اِبنَ فَرتَنا
عَلى غَيرِ إِجرامٍ بِرِيقِي مُشَرِّقي
16. You have burdened me with the troubles of a people I left,
Unless you save me from the sea I will drown,
١٦. فَإِن كُنتُ مَأْكولاً فَكُن خَيرَ آكِلٍ
وَإِلَّا فَأَدرِكني وَلَمّا أُمَزِّقِ
17. If they accuse me, help me against them,
And if they hide malice towards me, I will pour war upon them,
١٧. أَكَلَّفتَنِي أَدواءَ قَومٍ تَرَكتُهُمْ
وَإِلَّا تَدارَكْنِي مِنَ البَحرِ أَغرَقِ
18. I am neither their master nor in any pact,
Have I guaranteed anything for them as guarantee necessitates fulfillment,
١٨. فَإِن يُتهِمُوا أُنجِدْ خِلافاً عَلَيهِمُ
وَإِن يُعْمِنُوا مُستَحقِبي الحَربِ أُعرِقِ
19. And my opinion of him is that he will not disturb a favour,
Nor turn enemies into him with a fleeing coward,
١٩. فَلا أَنا مَولاهُمْ وَلا في صَحيفَةٍ
كَفَلتُ عَلَيهِم وَالكَفالَةُ تَعتَقي
٢٠. وَظَنّي بِهِ أَن لا يُكَدِّرَ نِعمَةً
وَلا يَقلِبَ الأَعداءَ مِنهُ بِمَعبَقِ