
For your life, if I were to live in a supportive home

لعمرك لو أصبحتُ في دار منقذٍ

1. For your life, if I were to live in a supportive home
Sa'd would not have wronged me, he being a neighbor to my verses,

١. لَعمرك لَو أصبحتُ في دارِ منقذٍ
لَما ضيمَ سعدٌ وهو جارٌ لأبياتي

2. But I have woken up in an alien house
Wherein the wolf counts, counting against my ewes.

٢. وَلَكنّني أَصبحتُ في دارِ غربةٍ
مَتى يعدُ فيها الذئبُ يعدُ عَلى شاتي

3. So O Sa'd, be not fooled by yourself, and move on,
For you are among a people, dead to the neighbor.

٣. فَيا سعدُ لا تغرر بِنَفسك واِرتَحل
فَإنّك في قومٍ عنِ الجارِ أمواتِ

4. And beneath you my supporters - for I am to them
A departure, they will not miss my intentions.

٤. وَدونك أَذوادي فإنّي عنهمُ
لَراحلةٌ لا يَفقدوني بنيّاتي

5. And travel toward a crime, if crimes are supporters,
And be not distracted among them, between forgetful women,

٥. وَسر نَحوَ جُرم إن جرماً أعزّةٌ
وَلا تكُ فيهم لاهياً بين نسواتِ

6. If they do not rise for me, avenging,
And confirm their stabbing in every raid.

٦. إِذا لَم يَقوموا لي بِثأري وَيَصدقوا
طِعانهم وَالضربَ في كلّ غاراتِ

7. So I do not blame their messenger, or close their poverty,
Or cease, in life, their worst reversals.

٧. فَلا آبَ ساعيهم ولا سدَّ فَقرهم
وَلا زالَ في الدنيا لَهم شرّ نكباتِ